Too many fish to plan for?


Hello all,
Quick question.
100 gal long.
100 lb. LR
1 firefish
1 Maroon clown
1 Lyretail anthia
1 Neon dottyback
5 chromis.
1 cleaner shrimp
1 camelback
various crabs, snails, etc.
I just added three more chromis to build a 5 fish school. The largest of the chromis is about 1 1/2 long. Is this too many chromis to have a for a school in my tank size, and stock?
I don't plan on getting anymore chromis, but I do plan on getting another firefish, watchman goby, mandarin, and possibly a yellow tang, to round out my stock.
Is this too many fish to plan for in my tank?


Hey Nix, I thnk thats a good list. Good move on the 5 chromis (odd number). What else to do you have in the tank? Any corals? Also, do you have the cleaner crew to support it?
Here's what i had at one point in my 75g:
Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Ocellaris Clown
Royal Gramma
Lawnmower Blenny
Coral Banded Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
Emerald Crab
Brittle Starfish
Various crabs, snails.
It worked fine for me. Had 100lbs of LR. Do you have other water volume? Like a sump or a fuge?


hahahaha you are way fine bro , look what i have in my 125 g
an emperor angel ( 5 inches)
yellow tang
blue tang
long nose butterfly
red coris :happyfish
jaw fish
2 mandarines
2 perculas clowns
a 1 inch clown trigger
morish idol ( 4 inches)
cooperband butterfly
3 cleaner shrimps
a decorator crab
and 2 starfishes
and they live so happy ......
you are sooo fine , you can add 3 fishes more if you want to just wathch out on the size.... :happy: :happy:


Cool, that is what I needed to know.
I have an internal DAS system in my tank, so the sump et al. is built into the tank. I am DIY a fuge, but it will be < 10 gal.
My cleanup crew is ~ 40 zebras, ~ 10 blue leg, ~1 green leg (Odd ball, green and black striped), about 5 cerith left (Had 75).
I know that I need to get some more snails, turbos don't seem to work in my tank (they keep falling off the LR and land upside down in my LS, then die if I don't flip them over soon enough) but ceriths are real good in my tank. Except for the zebras lunching on them....grrr.
Well, that sure opens up my options...
Don't have any coral yet, need to upgrade the lights before I do so. I am planning on having some corals, maybe an anemone. I would like more corals than anemone, but the better half wants to work the clownfish / anemone angle. So I will probably snag a sebae.
That said, I will add to the list a blue hippo tang. Is there any good dwarf angels out there that would work in a reef that anyone could advise? Or just other fish in general?
Thanks all for the advice!