too many fish?


i've read not to stock over 1/2" of full-grown fish size per gallon of water. i've managed to weed out my fish list to fit in those guidelines but the 24" max. size of an eel is killing me. will my 55 gal. sump increase what i can stock or would i be pushing it & jeopardizing my water quality?



Originally posted by pluchinsky
i've read not to stock over 1/2" of full-grown fish size per gallon of water.

Actually for salt water its 1" of full size fish per every 5 gallons:rolleyes:


The sump will not really increase you capacity. They need room to swim and they can't really use the sump.
I have a 55 tank and will probobly only have 3 or 4 fish in it once it's done.


yeah. it's for my 125 but i think i've just decided against the snowflake eel. it would be neat to have one; but not neat enough to give up most of my room for fish.


I'm not sure that rule applies for eels. That would leave you one 24inch eel and 5 inches of fish. That doesn't sound right in a 125. I would make the 55 a refugium. It would help with algea and nitrate improving water quality. Added volume helps too.


As far as your bio-load 1 inch per 5-10 gallons is the general rule. As far as swimming space needed, the individual fish needs to be addressed. For examply a tang will need so much feet of tank, where a clowns size is usually only considered for your bio-load. That's whare your extra sump water will be beneficial. Each individual fish or invert you consider should be appropriate for your 125 gallon, but the total inches of each fish combined (at full growth) is where you need to limit your choices. As long as you stay under 25 inches, total, and each species you chose is "happy" in a 125 gallon, you should be OK.
Is this making sence?? I'm trying to explain like 5 things at once and I'm getting all type tied. LOL


consider bio-load more than inches. Although messy a snow flake would be no worse than a big trigger. You could probably add 3 more good sized fish. Any in particular you were thinking of?


I have a sfe in my 85. He is only 12-13in long but you have to remember eels aren't very tall. I just divide my eel in half to get a better answer.



Originally posted by essop3
consider bio-load more than inches. Although messy a snow flake would be no worse than a big trigger.

I agree with essop3. The general guideline of 1" per 5 gallons is exactly that . . . a guideline. A good example in freshwater is that a 12" oscar is going to create much more of a mess (uneaten food and waste) than 12 1" tetras would.


I have also read the the 4-5 inch rule only applies for your first 6 months. It says after your tank adapts to the first six months, you can then begin to slowly add fish to a close 2 inches depending on your fish. Depending on the behavior toward each other.