too many #%$ing plugs??



I have a dilema how does every manage their outlets plug wise??
I'm running out of room like a month ago, so far here
1 prizm skimmer (adding soon)
1 heater 150w (adding tomorrow)
1 heater 200 w
1 power h 201
1 power h 401
1 power h 401
1 actinic, timer
1 actinic,50/50,timer
1 pengiun 170 bio wheel
1 fluval 404
thats ten, to many for one outlet so i'm running an extension from another oulet, any suggestions? also how many plugs does everybody else use?


Active Member
Try using a couple Ground Fault Circut Interupts. Using two of those out of your outlets will give you at least ten, probably more depending on which ones you buy.


Active Member
Plenty,:D , Get 2 outlet strips with 6 outlets on each, just add up you watts not to overload the Circiut, 100 watts is 1 amp, stay under 15 amps

richard rendos

Active Member
I had a few more things to plug in so I had an electrician install 2 20 amp GFCI outlets next to my aquarium. Here is a list of things I had to plug in...
2 X 400 MH ballasts
2 VHO ballasts
1 25 watt moon light
1 1/4HP chiller
1 return pump
1 300 watt heater
1 wavemaker with 3 powerheads
1 skimmer pump
1 feed pump and 1 circulation pump for calcium reactor
1 light for under stand
1 osciwave powerhead oscillator
I feel much safer now.


Haha, no it's not my tank. It is a pic of a someone's server room. It's been passed around on the net for a few years now. It is supposed to be a REAL set up that has gotten out of control. I would hate to have to manage that set up. :confused:
click here for more


Active Member
tygerfifteen, hehehe that is actually an empty breaker box. I have the front piece, and when it's on, the box looks alot better. I took it off for the pic. I keep my surge protectors and ballast in it because hopefully if anything ever caught on fire, the metal box will stop it. Not much oxygen can get in so I hope the fire would starve for air and the metal will protect the wall. It's up high so that if any water gets on a plug wire, it won't drip down the wire to the plug. I had a few fires before, so I feel safer. I have each surge strip going to a plug on seperate breakers. Just make sure it's safe before worrying about looks.


Some of my equiptment plugs into the room with the tank, and the higher draw lights have a cord to another room on another circut.