Too Many Snails

pc fisher

I have a large amount,100+ (probably over 200), of small,(1mm or less),snails. It looks like 2 different kinds, one has a cone shape shell and the other looks more conch like. What I need to know is there anything that will eat them and not my turbo snails.


Not Are they a problem for some reason? If they are, your best bet is a daily suction session with a turkey baster, and thin out their population as best you can. I'm just curious why you want to get rid of them?

pc fisher

It's just that they are everywhere. Some of my rock looks alive there are so many on it. I guess if they won't hurt anything there's no big rush.


It may sound silly, but maybe you can remove the 5 turbos temporarily, and 'borrow' something that eats snails, like a porcupine puffer. Know anyone in your area with a tank? Sometimes whacky solutions are your only option. DONT use any of the snail killing chemicals on the market, it will never come out of your rock and sand. I'd lend you Porky, but its a little far for me!

cap'n pete

First up, glad to see a miltary man on board. Did two tours of JOTC at Sherman myself.
Second, I know your pain. I had the cone shaped ones (well, still do) and hated them. They are so small that they don't eat algea worth a darn and just leave trails everywhere. I personally picked them out by hand. I would also try adding more turbos. The turbos will eat all the available algea and therefore starve the little suckers. :D