Too many water changes ?

salty james

I change 5 gallons out of my 55 and 30 gal once a week. I use RO water with buffer.
Is this too much ??
Oh yeah, also my perc clown is a wierdo... he sleeps on top of my powerhead half out of water... is this normal ?? he has been doing this for 6 months with no sign of stress or disease... I just thought I would ask...
Thank you for the help... great BB.


Active Member
I feel that how much and how often on the WC's is entirely up to the tank owner. As long as your inhabitants are happy and thriving. As far as the perc...That is strange, and i've never heard of such a behavior. He must think the PH is a sealey ;) :D .

jason weber

I would not worry about the clown mine has been sleeping on the surface of the water since i got him. when i first saw him i thought he had died


I would say you are fine with the water changes as long as things are fine. As far as the clown goes, They never cease to amaze me! They do the wierdest things sometimes.
my lfs has a perc acting like that, some guy gave it to him and the fish was in the worst possible condition in a tank that had a ph of 7.6..and never had water changes..


10% a week is good discipline and responsible reefkeeping. It is the best way to avoid problems. I shake my head everytime I read "I don't do water changes." It adds trace elements that are depleted and removes waste products from the tank. Look at it another way: How would you like to drink, cook and bath in the same water that goes down the commode? That's what those that don't do it are doing to their fish.