too much algae


my 12 gallon jbj is over populated with algae what should i do? in the tank are 1 clownfish 3 pepermint shrimp and 10 snails. water conditions are ammonia 0 ph 8.2 nitrates 0 and nitrites are at 0 salinity is 0.025. and 10 lbs of fiji live rock :help:


distilled water does nothing... What you want is RO water. Tap water will work to if you have a HUGE clean up crew. Thats what i use.


Originally Posted by reeferDC
distilled water does nothing... What you want is RO water. Tap water will work to if you have a HUGE clean up crew. Thats what i use.
I think this guy was drinking before he typed that if you can get RO distilled is the next best thing that for sure all i use is distilled and i never have a problem with diatoms or algea much at all.


distilled water still leaves the elements that cause brown and hair algea. RO water will get rid of those elements.
Im positive regular distilled water will NOT help algea.


i mean, if u cant get RO water, distilled water IS the next best thing to RO water as oldsMa said, RO water is 99% free(somewhere in that range) and distilled water is near that. even though RO water is better, you can use distilled water reptifish and you should see a change with ur algae situtation.


sorry man, i want trying to be mean, but i read about 50 threads that had to do with RO and distilled water and thats what i heard. Can u tell me where u found out that distilled water does not help algae?


NP.. I did not think you where being mean..
I just thought that Distilled water really did not do anything... But I could very well be wrong...
If its working for you why stop???


Well i could be wrong to, I just started using Distilled water about a week ago my light is coming wendesday and i will be getting corals in a couple weeks. I will post some pics of my lights in stuff when i get it...


If you read the label on the distilled water containers at the grocery store or Walley World you will find that they aren't distilling the water any more, they are filling the containers with RO water.