Too much CAULERPA ? send it to me!


If your harvesting Calulerpa or other plants from your tank to control the growth... how about mailing some to me instead of throwing away? I'd be happy to pay shipping... trying to get my tank going & thought I'd ask.
email me or reply here


Active Member
lol, do you have lr and how old is your tank, you may wind up with some, and once you do, you wont have any problems either, it will more than likely get to the point of you needing toharvest it too, in fact, it often gets to be a bit of a nuance, by overtaking it, i actually dont reccommmend adding much to the tank because of this and think you should think twice before really worrying about it too much, because it will do more than get the tank started


I do have LR & tanks been up about 6 months. I went as far as buying some Caulerpa to get things going after it did not show up on its own. Was going great till I went out of town for two days,,, thought my Tang & Foxface would be fine without food. They were because they ate every single bit of the greens in the entire tank! So now I'm taking a different avenue & also thought I might be able to find a greater variety from kind hearted fish junkies like myself!


Aceiswild7 that would be totally cool. I'm in the city on the upper west side but have access to a car. I could even come your way if you are willing to part with your sea greens on a Saturday or Sunday. Or if you work in the city by chance,,, I could come over and grab it from you anytime! Thanks, David.


Active Member
cool, no prob, i just thought i would inform you, ours took several months and is now in a state where we need to harvest it(outr 75fowlr is almost a year young now), and it is getting even more so, the more time goes on


Caulerpa is a macroalgae,,, sea weed. There are many different t kinds and grow well in the tank. Some suggest in their growing they remove nitrates from the water. Do a 'search' under Caulerpa and you will find out all about the stuff.


hey dgb.. email me whenever you get this .. if you want to take a ride out here next saturday ill have a decent amount that you can have


Aceiswild7.... I might just be super think but I cant find your email!
I'd love your help... but don't know how to get you.
I'm at