too much coraline


What eats coralline algea? I have too much! Cleaning is so difficult. I am hoping to find some peaceful little creature that will eat some of it.


Active Member
My pencil urchin eats the coraline algea righ off y rock. i have 2 pieces that are

because he ate all of the algea off of it. It makes a big mess when they eat corline algea. The leave pieces of it chewed up, along with there poop, all over the rocks. He does the job, and he only cost $5.00. Good investment if you want to get rid or the coraline.


Will they also eat it off the glass? I have a tall tank and it is hard to reach the bottom of the glass to get at the corraline.


I wish I knew. All of my rock is purple. My heater is purple except the heating area. All of my power heads are completely coated. The back wall behind my rock work is solid purlpe. I have a Tuxedo Urchin, but I don't see him eating too much. The algea gets in the corners of my tank and I really have to work to get it out.
Are there any other suggestions besides the pencil urchin?


If you keep yor calcium and magnesium up along with good lighting you will have more than you ever wanted. I used to buy products in the begining to try to grow it but now I don't add anything other than calcium,mag. and keep alk. in check and it is almost a nusiance now. I will say, once I started to keep up the mag. as well as the calcium it started growing overnight.


Active Member
The Kent Pro Scraper took care of my "coraline on the glass" problem in a few seconds. Urchins will eat it, but that will also make it grow back quickly. If you use a scraper, you can turn all circulating pumps off and let it fall on the rocks.


Footbag is right.I have the Kent Pro Scraper with short handle ( you can press harder than with the long handle ) with a Stainless Stell blade.S.S. blade only if its a glass tank.It really works. Before I got it ,I used a paint scraper with razor blade . That worked too but the blade got rusty and if you hit anything in your tank it can cut it.