Whoah tiger!, a modded MJ1200 in a corner tank. Thats too much IMO. Most modded MJ's output more into the 2000gph range. Thats around 100x turnover give or take your given rockwork ect..
You could put it facing against the glass to defect some of the flow but even then its going to try to dig out the rockwork.
If you did the mod then your familiar with the internals correct?
The prop you glued on the impeller shaft. Just re-open the case and shave down the bladed tips on the prop. Do it slowly and try to do it evenly to reduce the pumps GPH without hurting the mod. You can reduce its flow this way without having to get creative or add anything into the tank that might be an eyesore. Later if you want full flow again from your MMJ then just toss on a new full sized prop.
What about burying it IN the rockwork blasting against a rock to buffer the flow?
Or I should ask, who in the heck advised you to use a single jet engine for your tanks flow instead of the more common triple MJ900 for your tanks size?