Originally posted by firefishspike
in my tank I have a wet/dry/skimmer/in sump internal/lr/ls and I still don't think i have enough
I guess we always want more LOL. My 55g has the big tetra tech and i think that is too much. 20g for macro algae culture, 10g fresh, and 62QT tub on the porch have no filtration. All tanks are clear. 10g has 30 guppies, 55g a tang, 5 damsels, 5 turbo, 2 crabs, buncha hermits, a bahama star and green brittle star, 20g macro algae has macro algae, and the tub is just starting with macro algae i collected from a bay.
To me what is important is that the water is clear and the tank is stable and balanced.