too much filtration???



I have a 75 gallon reef tank. 5 small fish, 150 lbs of LR and 80 lbs LS. Inhabitants are very few at this time--mushrooms and the generic like. My question is this--am I over filtering??? In addition to the LR and LS I have 2 Emperor Bio-Wheel Filters, 2 canisters and a protien skimmer. The medium in the filters is only surface area and foam--I don't add charcoal or other mediums. --Nothing seems to thrive and things seem to slowly die--that according to my "fish guy" should do fine in the lighting that I am providing. My most recent death was a green star polyp that I had had for almost 8 months--no previous problems.
My lights -- Custom Sea life pc 2 x 65W 10000K PC LAMPand 2 x 65W ACTINIC-BLUE PC LAMP
My water parameters are always right where they should be.--but of course I can not measure the amout of nutrients left after filtration.
Any suggestions or help is appreciated--thanks is advance.


Do you use additives? Whats your maintance and water para? Theres no need for the canisterswith media or the biofilters. If they aren't cleaned regular you may just create dertrius which maybe adding nitrates. Dunno whats wrong with your tank without water parameters?? I mean right where they should be???=0 nitrates,0 nitrites=0ammo =0 po4?? 400pmm+cal 3.5 meg alk??? Additives use? that itself you maybe overdosing? I would only add cal. and buffer= maintain alk,cal and ph. Trace theres enough in foods and w/c. What I'm getting at is you need to provide more detail if you want better help. Use ro water?


New Member
sounds to me like your not feeding your colors anything and they are just being malnurished and dieing....
there are different liquid foods depending on what kind of set up you have.
I personally don't use the liquid foods too much, but I some phytoplanton and some calcium.. never had any colors bite
it yet in my tank.


my parameters are:
Salinity 1.025
pH 8.2
temp 78 F
ammonia 0.0
nitrites 0.0
nitrates 0
Ca high 400's
KH 7
I use ro/di water.
I do a water change every 5-6 weeks.
Yes, I was wondering if I need to use different foods. I don't use any additives.


I've heared/read that a level of 8.2 pH is sometimes too low in a reef sys. Sometimes a higher level of pH is needed for inverts/coral to thrive, also when checking levels of pH, certain times of the day pH levels vary. :rolleyes:


Active Member
How long has it been since youve changed the light bulbs? Your alkalinity is a little low, try slowly boosting it to about 10dKH and see if that helps. HTH


ph is fine I would boost the alk. Whats the po4? IMO it sould be undetectable because you can only test for inorganic. There will always be organic po4. additives you get from foods and w/c that should be enough. adding trace additives IME really isn't an isssue when you feed daily and do w/c. Theres something corals should die that easy/ Any copper in your tank? Did you buy used LR? it couls have came from a polluted tank? = any LR from a FOWLR


I will boost alk
I have no po4 that I can measure
LR--I have bought everything from online dealers
I change the bulbs about every 6 months
I really appreciate your input--thanks for trying to help me
I have the luxury to spend a reasonable amount on my tank--but don't want to spend on other inhabitants --until I know they will thrive.
Thanks again


what kinda current do you have? GSP in my tank never grew until I put a fair amount of current on them.What do you use = powerheads, seaswirls ect. any alga problem ,cyano? Do you have any metal fixtures in your plumbing? Really hard to tell without seeing the tank. If all say perfact and things are dying there is something wrong.


Active Member
Are you loosing fish too or only inverts??
If so, have you ever used any meds in the tank?


water movement I have 2 AquaClear Powerheads Model 802 then in water from the filters
The corals are in the middle to top of the tank. The green star polyp that i most recently lost was high in the tank--maybe 4 inches from the top of the water. My PC's are sitting directly on the tank with no glass.
The only thing I every have medicated with was stuff to get rid of red slime--that was last year or so. The meds failed--but increased H20 movement and decreasing my lights to only 10hrs/day. I don't have any metal fixtures or fittings. Only certain corals have died--others just don't thrive. I have a leather coral that has been in the tank for almost a year now --but does not extend like he should. He extends his body nice and full but never has all(maybe only 1/3) of his "arms". I have hard corals that are "surviving" that were hitchhickers on LR. I think I have attached a pic of the leather coral.
I have not lost fish --but I don't have anything but damsels and a clownfish


I am right with you--It is a mystery--I think at this point --I will try to feed the tank better and see if that helps. Thanks for your concern and time. Maybe add more light??--never can have too much I guess


never know if all is good you may just need more light. But I've seen 55g with just 4 55w pc grew stuff. If you got the $$ try adding a halide. if thats not an option add 2 more pc whichevers cheaper. IMO I would add vho 440w


I am in the process RIGHT now of looking at new lights. -well adding -- I am looking at URI-but.... I was wondering if I could retro fit these into 2 hoods I have in my garage that I had used on a 75 gal freshwater tank. I am really not too sure about the retro thing and how it works. I have been crusing the DIY forum--nothing too helpful yet. Any input??:)