too much flow?


Active Member
i always hear flow this and flow that....but is there ever too much flow? do fish enjoy a nice current moving throughout the tank?


Active Member
Not jumping at your throat but this is a photography section... to your question yes there is such thing as to much flow and I'm talking like 40x turnover rate. SO lets say you have a 125 gal your tank would be diong 500GPH. Thats alot but it still might be okay, how much flow are you talking?


Active Member
Actually, 500GPH is 4x turnover on a 125 gallon tank.
I have about 40x turnover in my 70 gallon tank, and it isn't too much. It depends on what kind of corals and fish you have.

37g joe

I think it would be really difficult to have to much flow you would very purpously have put to much flow in your tank. What you do keep in mind is where your flow is directed you dont want 500 gph power head pointing right at a peice of coral.


Active Member
i only have a 20x turnover rate....but with the 30g tank there are just a lot of powerheads it seems blowing stuff around....
and sorry your hiness for posting this in this was an accident....MY BAD