Too much flow?


I have a Maxi Jet 900 in my 30 gallon tank. I am also running a hang on the back filter which creates water movement on the opposite side of the tank. Does anyone feel the 900 is a bit strong for my tank? It was recommended that I get two, but I think the water would blow out! My anemone has moved (I think there's too much flow in the tank) to underneath a rock upsidee down! I just can't seem to find a place (other than where he is) that there isn't quite a current going on.

mandarin w

I have a maxi jet 1200 and a aquamedic, along with a skimmer and my emperor on my 30 gal. All seems fine in there. My anemone is as happy as can be. So I don't think it is too much.


LOL! Yeah, I think you're right! My Royal Gramma is very curious about him and keeps swimming against him, almost like he's trying to host in him! LOL! I forgot what they said he was, but I know he's not a Sebae. He has purple tips. I'm hoping he's not the condaly??? (sp) as I've heard they get LARGE. I wish I could get a better pic of him. His mouth area is a pretty yellow/green. I fed him some DT's yesterday and he did eat, so I guess he's happy!


i have two rio 90's in ny lil 20. i have one breaking up the surface and the other i made a semi spray bar that travels along the corner and blows in all directions. and everytihng seems to be fine. my SFE likes to chill in the current. and before i get yelled @ he is a baby and only spending another week or two in the 20 until my 55 is done cycling


lol well i know how some people get mad when u "abuse" our fishy friends
but i plan on putting three 1200 in my 55
gonna have some great flow


I just get wigged out with the current in my tank. My clown seems to love it. He actually tries to swim against he's playing a game! I had a mushroom that I was trying to attach to a rock, but the current keeps blowing it around. I'm afraid to use super glue to attach it. If I wedge it between two rocks, my huge golf ball sized turbos mow it down! I can't win for losing!