Too much flow?


New Member
I have a 12 G Nanocube and just added two ocellaris clowns today and they seem to be swimming against a fairly strong current non-stop. I replaced the stock pump with a maxi-jet 600. Is there such thing as too much flow?


Active Member
do you have sand in that tank? You turning that tank of 50 times.
I can put ONE maxi jet 1200 in my 29 and it just starts a whirl pool.
But people have bigger tanks out there and they have stronger power heads than that.


Active Member
I have a MJ600 in a 12g cube as well, without issue.
I have the return split into two nozzles, to create more turbulence, but I still don't think that would make a difference.
Sometimes clowns like to 'powerhead surf'. I had a Saddleback that would do it every night for hours. The stupid fish was inches from the PH, swimming almost as hard as it could, for no apparent reason.


I believe also that clowns tend to be current swimmers. they do love going against that current. darn clowns. hehe mine do it too