Too much food?


New Member
My LW and I are concerned about the quantity of food our fish receive. We have six fish in our 90 Gal reef. Every other day I feed them half a cube (approx 1.5 grams or .054 oz. I think that's the correct conversion.) of Misys shrimp. The next feeding period they are fed Brine shrimp. Then alternated again. Every day they are fed about a 2x2" of sea weed.
Too much? Too little?


Active Member
Ive read that you should feed only as much as the fish can eat in 2 mintues.
Whether thats too much food depends also on your tank setup.
What kind of filter? Fuge/wet dry/canister/none? The better the filter (fuge the best) then the less overfeeding is an issue.
Do you use a skimmer? Same as filter, the bigger and better the skimmer, the less overfeeding is an issue.
But for me, I make my own food and I know that the shrimp and crabs like the food, and I think the corals seem to like it too. So I feed then generously.
Also, I was having problems with phosphates in the prepared frozen foods, so thats why I switched to making my own.


New Member
Originally Posted by GatorWPB
Also, I was having problems with phosphates in the prepared frozen foods, so thats why I switched to making my own.
Does prepared food often present a phosphate problem? OUrs have always been on the high side. We've cut back on feeding but there always seems to be a higher than normal level.


Wow. A half cube every other day for six fish? I have two small fish and a SFE, and I feed them two cubes per day. Anything I put in the tank, they eat. I notice some extra on the bottom, but the inverts get all that. I check all my levels, and they are fine. I guess I must have some major pigs.