Too Much in my tank?

This is a list of things I want to add to my 55 gallon tank over the next year, or years
I also want to add that I have around 70lbs of live rock 1 scarlet hermit, 2 blue legged hermits, 1 sea star
•Fighting Conch-Aqua cultured
•Cleaner Shrimp
•Lettuce Nudibranch
•Sally Lightfoot
•Feather Duster
•Emerald Crab
•Cleaner Shrimp
•Blue Urchin or Rainbow Urchin
•2 False Percula Clownfish
•Maybe Coral Beauty Angelfish ( not sure about this one yet)
•Brain Coral - Green Favia
•Leather – Toadstool
•Mushroom Coral - Blue Spotted
•Mushroom Coral - Fuzzy Grass
•Mushroom Polyp - Orange Ricordea
•Zoos – Green/Blue - Yellow
To much, not enough, does anything not work with each other....suggestions, comments?


Active Member
- Conch - These grow really, really big. It's probably best to skip this one.
- Nudibranch - Very, very poor long term survival rate in captivity.
- Urchin - Tends to knock rocks about as they move, just beware.
I don't think you have too much, in fact, your list looks good, just beware of what I said about the above 3 items.
Originally Posted by SCSInet
- Conch - These grow really, really big. It's probably best to skip this one.
- Nudibranch - Very, very poor long term survival rate in captivity.
- Urchin - Tends to knock rocks about as they move, just beware.
I don't think you have too much, in fact, your list looks good, just beware of what I said about the above 3 items.
Awesome! Thanks for your help! The Nudibranch looks very cool, but I def. don't want something that has a poor survival rate, or something that's going to get big like the Conch, and I def. don't want to aquascape every day! lol
Okay, so what about a Sand Sifting Cucumber? Would it be as bad as the urchin?
Do you know if either one of these lights would support those corals I listed?
48 inch 4x65 Watt Current USA PowerCompact Orbit Fixture


Active Member
Might skip the Sally Lightfoot as well. They are known predators as they get larger.
Some people have issues with cucumbers. I like them, but I've never lost a tank to one when it dies and the toxicity wipes out a tank...


idk what you have for a clean up crew but turbo snails are a great way to keep things clean and if you dont have more hermits i might suggest getting more then just 3 or 4
Originally Posted by Krista921
idk what you have for a clean up crew but turbo snails are a great way to keep things clean and if you dont have more hermits i might suggest getting more then just 3 or 4
So I should have more of a clean up crew? I'm not that big of a fan of snails though...i had some fresh water snails when I was little and was totally repulsed when the snail would lay eggs....i have what seems like 10 small little white snails, and atleast 1 white (what looks like to be a sand sifting star, or possibly a serpant star) that hitched a ride on my LR. Do SW snails lay eggs as often as FW snails do? Also are snails a must?
Any reccomendations for a clean up crew other than snails?
**Just a side note, my 55 gallon has only been setup since October and i was trying to take it slow thats why I only have 70LBS of LR 80LBS of LS and the two blue legged hermits, and 1 scarlet, and 1 sea star...not counting what came along on the live rock.
Looking at the Reef package has:
Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10
Blueleg Hermit Crab: 10
Nasssarius Snail: 10
Brittle Starfish: 2
Coral Banded Shrimp: 1
Emerald Crab: 3
Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20
Cleaner Clam: 2
Is this a good idea for my 55? If this is really what I need I guess I can stand having the snails, if this is what will make tank better in the long run I'll do it!


Originally Posted by amyandbrandon2
So I should have more of a clean up crew? I'm not that big of a fan of snails though...i had some fresh water snails when I was little and was totally repulsed when the snail would lay eggs....i have what seems like 10 small little white snails, and atleast 1 white (what looks like to be a sand sifting star, or possibly a serpant star) that hitched a ride on my LR. Do SW snails lay eggs as often as FW snails do? Also are snails a must?
Any reccomendations for a clean up crew other than snails?
**Just a side note, my 55 gallon has only been setup since October and i was trying to take it slow thats why I only have 70LBS of LR 80LBS of LS and the two blue legged hermits, and 1 scarlet, and 1 sea star...not counting what came along on the live rock.
No, you do not need more of a cleanup crew. You are doing fine, no need to rush anything.


Originally Posted by amyandbrandon2
Looking at the Reef package has:
Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10
Blueleg Hermit Crab: 10
Nasssarius Snail: 10
Brittle Starfish: 2
Coral Banded Shrimp: 1
Emerald Crab: 3
Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20
Cleaner Clam: 2
Is this a good idea for my 55? If this is really what I need I guess I can stand having the snails, if this is what will make tank better in the long run I'll do it!
Hm, is this what you want? That is an awfull lot for a new 55.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Might skip the Sally Lightfoot as well. They are known predators as they get larger.
Some people have issues with cucumbers. I like them, but I've never lost a tank to one when it dies and the toxicity wipes out a tank...
Hmmm...I'll have to do some more research the SLF i thought their Temperament was soposta be Peaceful or is that just when their small?
Cucumber wipeing out a whole tank? *WOW* I don't think I want something like that...


Cucumber wipeing out a whole tank? *WOW* I don't think I want something like that...
Yeah, you don't want that. They do release toxins when they die. In a few years, when you are sure of yourself and your tank keeping abilities, then you may want to try one. They are definitely not for newer hobbyists at all.


Active Member
wow you only have three fish listed. You could add a couple more small fish like blennys or gobies.
Your tank has been up since october. you are prob good to go with adding your first fish

Most snails will lay eggs, but the fish will eat them, so they become extr food for your tank.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
No, you do not need more of a cleanup crew. You are doing fine, no need to rush anything.
Thank you! I didn't think I needed much more of a CUC...I've been told more than once I neede more of a CUC and was told to look at the reef packages on this site. But I'm glad to hear from you! Finally someone that doesn't think I need anymore! I'd much rather take it slow and do this all right the first time around!
I haven't purchased anything for quite a while I've been pretty amazed on what came on my LR! My fiancee just didn't understand how i got excited about rock! lol I tried telling him it was more than rock! lol
I was excited to find just a few hours ago a white starfish! It looks like a brittle, or a sand sifting star!!!

I think I'll just keep watching the critters on my LR for a while and work on my aquascaping, get my lighting and then maybe next month get a little something.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Yeah, you don't want that. They do release toxins when they die. In a few years, when you are sure of yourself and your tank keeping abilities, then you may want to try one. They are definitely not for newer hobbyists at all.
I will def. take your advise on this one! I'll just wait, I have no problem with waiting!
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
wow you only have three fish listed. You could add a couple more small fish like blennys or gobies.
Your tank has been up since october. you are prob good to go with adding your first fish

Most snails will lay eggs, but the fish will eat them, so they become extr food for your tank.

Good! I was just afraid of have a million snails in my tank! Yeah I know I only have 3 fish listed. I'm still not 100% sure what fish I want, and I was just afraid of some of the fish not being compatiable. For the time being I think I want to work on aquascaping and watch my
Maybe next month or so I would like to get a False Percula Clownfish....Should I purchase them two at a time, or should I just purchase one, then a couple of weeks later add the other? Also when I get the clowns would it be wise to feed Pellet, Flake, and brine (like pellet one day, then flake, then frozen brine?)


Originally Posted by amyandbrandon2 http:///forum/post/2453671
Thank you! I didn't think I needed much more of a CUC...I've been told more than once I neede more of a CUC and was told to look at the reef packages on this site. But I'm glad to hear from you! Finally someone that doesn't think I need anymore! I'd much rather take it slow and do this all right the first time around!
I haven't purchased anything for quite a while I've been pretty amazed on what came on my LR! My fiancee just didn't understand how i got excited about rock! lol I tried telling him it was more than rock! lol
I was excited to find just a few hours ago a white starfish! It looks like a brittle, or a sand sifting star!!!

I think I'll just keep watching the critters on my LR for a while and work on my aquascaping, get my lighting and then maybe next month get a little something.
The star was a hitchhiker star. I cannot recall the name right now, but they are very beneficial. You are doing the right thing by waiting. Perks will work in your tank. You do not have to buy them at the same time. Clowns change gender. If you have one then it will become a female. If you buy a smaller one than he will stay male (they all start out as males). While you are waiting to get fish, cycle a quarantine tank. This is a plain tank with a heater, a power head, an HOB filter, and some fake decoration or pieces of PVC pipe. You will need this when you decide to get fish and for every purchase after fish are in the tank. Read up on marine ich. Read this post
It is located at the top of the Disease and Treatment board. Browse through Disease and Treatment. If you want to do things the correct way from the start then it is important for you to know what can happen once you have live stock. Parasites are completely preventable in the display, but can cause a world of havoc if they are able to enter.
Originally Posted by sepulatian http:///forum/post/2453690
The star was a hitchhiker star. I cannot recall the name right now, but they are very beneficial. You are doing the right thing by waiting. Perks will work in your tank. You do not have to buy them at the same time. Clowns change gender. If you have one then it will become a female. If you buy a smaller one than he will stay male (they all start out as males). While you are waiting to get fish, cycle a quarantine tank. This is a plain tank with a heater, a power head, an HOB filter, and some fake decoration or pieces of PVC pipe. You will need this when you decide to get fish and for every purchase after fish are in the tank. Read up on marine ich. Read this post
It is located at the top of the Disease and Treatment board. Browse through Disease and Treatment. If you want to do things the correct way from the start then it is important for you to know what can happen once you have live stock. Parasites are completely preventable in the display, but can cause a world of havoc if they are able to enter.
I def. have one of those! It's just a 10 gallon(is that big enough...or should it be bigger) also It has a piece of LR that was really ugly so I just stuck it in there will that be good enough?
Yea 10 gallon is perfect for a QT tank but if I was you, you should keep the tank bare bottom with no LR or LS. Put a few PVC peices in there for hiding places and just a little heater and a simple HOB filter.