Too Much Light

p fish

Is there ever a such thing as to much light. I just upgraded my 72g bowfront. I had only four 48" vhos 110 each. I added a metal halide 250, 12000k. I want to be able to have all kinds of corals, I don't want to be limited. Is this to much??


Hope you have some shady areas if you want some corals, more is not always better. Some corals, like my mushrooms, like less light than I have, they only do well at the bottom under a larger rock!! Not the common thinking, but they let me know that!! So judge your lighting for the things you want...someone more knowledgeable should be able to tell you what would be ok.
at least you now have the option for more light when you need it, or can turn some of it off when not needed. That is a nice luxury! Enjoy!!


Active Member
MOST,(there are exceptions) lower light corals can adapt to stronger lighting. For example, I've got some mushrooms in my 30 gallon that are huge and some are in the middle to upper part of the tank. My 30 has 300 watts of vho on it. It took them about a week to a week and a half to adjust. Now they are thriving. I think it will work fine. Also, you can stagger your lr in such a way that it creates ledges and areas of less light. Go for it.


Active Member
Too much light???? Are you kidding, there is no such thing!
I have a 250 HQI over my 29 gallon and my friend runs a 400 over his 29 gallon!


Active Member
Actually, yes I just added a beautiful peach acro frag. I've got a maroon one I got from a new lfs and it is doing so well that I picked up a nice peach colored one.


Active Member
Nice, Peach colored... haven't seen to many of those. Do you have a pic of it yet?

p fish

Sammy thanks for your insight , I was thinking along those lines but I needed someone to tell me I was on the right track.