Too much Rock??


Just was wondering if there is a such thing as too much rock.My 29galTall now contains 20# of lv ,1 pacific queen trigger,1 percula clown,1 yellow tang.Tank is well cycled.amo 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10,ph8.2.I am gonig to upgrade to a 125gal soon,using this tank for my wet dry system. My current filtration is a 330 hang-on w/bio wheels,ug filter.Like too add another 20# lv.

mr . salty

Active Member
As long as you dont croud out your fish. Add as much as you can. You will reach a point that the rock will take over the gio filters job,and you wont need any other biofilteration. A skimmer will still be needed though. STEVE


I have a couple of questions for you Mr. Salty, cause you seem to be the live rock king :)
I have a 75 fish only tank, with a few pieces of dead coral and 2 'dead' rocks...
Is live rock really worth putting in?
I can re-decorate if it's worth it :)
I noticed that you said that LR will help take the place of bio-filtration...
How does that work?
I'm really interested in this stuff, cause I've never used it before...
Does it have all kinds of little critters in it? If so, can any of them be dangerous to my tank? I just don't know if it's safe to add to an already mature tank...
Also, I guess my biggest question is how the heck do you get it home from the LFS? :)
I don't want a bunch of little hermit crabs crawling all over my car :)
Also, while I'm bothering you :)
Does LR have any other requirements I should know about? Better lighting and what-not...
Cause I leave my fish tank lights off until I feed them to help keep away the algae.
I just have the room lights on all the time, and it seems to be enough for them :)
What else... Is it expensive?
I know I asked you 5 million questions, and if you want you can just tell me to shut up and look it up on the Internet, but I wanted some advice from someone with experience :)
Thanks a MILLION in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mitch ... When you buy live rock they will put it in a bag with water just like a fish. It is worth having as it not only helps your tank but gives it color and beauty. As for lighting requirements ... I am not 100% sure but tothe best of my knowledge you will need to run your lights more to keepthe sponges etc thriving on the rock. That is my opinion. I will leave the rest to Mr. Salty.

mr . salty

Active Member
First off I'm not a live rock expert.As a matter of fact I just learned an interesting fact about CUREDvsUNCURED rock these last couple days on the REEF board.(check the anemone post) But I believe it is worth having in your tank.It is alot more natural looking than tufa,or the other substitutes.After all it did come out of a real ocean reef.The cost depends on where you buy it. I wouldn't buy it online though because the shipping will most surly kill any thing in,or on it.In stors I've seen it for $4-$10 a pound.If you have enough of it,it will perform the function of a bio filter due to all the nooks and krannies it has.A very large surface aria for bacteria to grow on.Also if stacked properly it will provide your fish with a ton of caves to hide,and sleep in. Is it safe for a mature tank,ABSOLUTLY. I just wouldn't advise adding too much at one time.If it's not properly CURED,it will possably throw off the bio ballance in your tank and cause a cycle.About 5-10lbs a week should be fine. You do need better than stock NO power bulbs to support the new life you are adding.If not the stuff growing on it will die,and cause the ammonia to rise,once again causing a mini cycle.I would suggest the 20,000K bulbs by CORALIFE.These are what I use in both my tanks.Along with MH,and blue actinic in my 125. MAN,I think this could be the longest post ever on this board,but I think I got to all your q's. In closing,GO FOR IT,I'm sure you will enjoy the new look and your fish will love you for it....STEVE


Thak you for your help.I read everything u say and find your advise to be the best on this board.I is great to have someone to help us beginners out

I have been pricing new 125 complete w/ overflows and a amiricale w/d300, uv sterilizer,lights, stand,canopy,crushed coral base,75#lv. 899.00 what do ya think?
oak stand & canopy.


By the way, If you plan on adding live rock, don't plan on using copper to medicate anymore.
Thats the trade off. I personally think it is a good one.



Originally posted by jtoliver:
By the way, If you plan on adding live rock, don't plan on using copper to medicate anymore.
Thats the trade off. I personally think it is a good one.

You made a very good point.......

mr . salty

Active Member

Originally posted by jwillis:
$899 is alot of money,but it's a good investment for a lifetime of enjoyment.And 125gal is alot of tank for that money. I still got a better deal on my 125. GO FOR IT
I have been pricing new 125 complete w/ overflows and a amiricale w/d300, uv sterilizer,lights, stand,canopy,crushed coral base,75#lv. 899.00 what do ya think?
oak stand & canopy.

reef boy

New Member
First off what kind of lighting is it. If you have at least 4.5 wats per gallon and the live rock is good (nice and puple) Then it is a fairly good deal. But I'd see if they would come and set it up for you for that kind of money. I know it's not that hard to do but can you imagine carry 125 gal of water to that thing. Also see if they would hold 55 lbs. of the LR so you don't waste all the ggodies that come on it.

mr . salty

Active Member
I didn't,and never carry water to my 125. I use a garden hose hooked to my sink. My city water has turned out to be very good for my tank. For changes I do let it sit in buckets for 24 hrs,But then I use a pump to fill the tank. STEVE


I've always used tap water also, but lately I've been wondering if I should get some type of bottled water...
Normally I just let the tap water sit for a few days before putting it in the tank.
If you go directly from sink to tank, how do you get the chlorine out?

mr . salty

Active Member

Originally posted by Mitch24:
If you go directly from sink to tank, how do you get the chlorine out?

I always let it sit at least 24hrs before I use it.Only went directly from sink to tank to fill it the first time.STEVE

reef boy

New Member
I use start right to get the chorline out. It dosn't coast much and it also conditions the wter before you put it in/. It desolves instintly.
Also that's a good idea steve just make sure that you haven't drained anything that had chemicals in it. Probably the best thing to do is just buy a new hose though