Originally Posted by marinenut
wow, I didn't think that it might be too low! My return is a mag drive 7 at 700gph, and the Rio 600. I'm not having any problems right now. I can't imagine running double the water flow in this 90! It seems like the corals would just blow right over, and the fish and inverts would be twirling all over! What would the side effects be on the corals, if the flow was too little. What are some tell tale signs?
Is the placement of the power head appropriate? On the opposite side from the return, facing toward the return? I originally had it on the same side as the return blowing in the same direction as the return, but I thought it would create a more natural flow with it on the other side.
With your 700 gph, remember, you are losing some of that flow by the time the water comes out the other side.
On my 60 hex, I have appx. 15-18x turnover. As far as your q about placement, I have a HOB wet/dry, devoid of any filter pads etc that creates surface flow (along with a downward flow), (2) maxijets facing the same way within the tank to create a "swirl", which contraadicts with the downward flow of the HOB...it makes a pretty wild ride.
The corals in my tank are placed appropriately, depending on the flow they like.
If the flow is too little, you aren't moving enough water over the surface of the LR, which is the best bio-filter, you allow debris to build up in low flow areas, many corals will not get enough "food" passing over them, the surface of the water does not have as good gas exchange etc...more reasons than I have off the top of my head others could tell you.
Your flow sounds good at what you are doing. And if it isnt broke, dont fix it. Just keep your low flow in mind for the future...with corals you may want that require very high flow, or if you start having algae problems etc....then you can adress it with more flow