took a few pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
no problem. i just sold about 5 packs over the last 2 months. i dont plan on fragging for another 2-3 months, but ill let you know when i do if you're interested.
on a sidenote, i just put the tunze nanostreams in my tank. both are modded. ones pushing 1000gph, the other 700 gph. i put them in in addition to my seio which is pushing 850gph and my return pump which is pushing 350 gph (head loss accounted for). thats like 96x turnover im running right now. suprisingly, the sand bed hasnt moved, but all the junk in the rocks did get picked up so im waiting for it to all settle down. ill post pics and maybe a video later.
how do you have the powerheads positioned? towards the water surface?


Active Member
nice milli. i added a purple milli last weekend and it was doing good. moved it up from bottom to half way point and 2 days later it looks terrible. 3/4 of it lost its flesh....just started doing sps so i guess its live and learn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nietzsche
how do you have the powerheads positioned? towards the water surface?
i have the seio and the 700gph tunze on the left side pushing water in an x type pattern across to the other side of the tank. then i have my return pushing water from behind my overflow towards the sand bed. then the 1000gph tunze pushing water form the right side of the tank towards the left. all are about 2" below the water surface so theres a lot of disturbance at the water surface.
Originally Posted by dmjordan

nice milli. i added a purple milli last weekend and it was doing good. moved it up from bottom to half way point and 2 days later it looks terrible. 3/4 of it lost its flesh....just started doing sps so i guess its live and learn.
live and learn is i live.


Active Member
i think there is a big advantage. if i was running BB right now, i could position my powerheads so that some were closer to the bottom. right now, they're all an inch or so under the waters surface.
i could also go with even more flow. even at 96x turnover, i still have a few calm spots in my tank. im sure with a BB tank i could be somewhere around 150x flow no problem. maybe even more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
i enjoy experiencing all 4 seasons here. i mean sometimes they outstay there welcome, but its cool to have times of the year when your snowed in, and other times when its so hot the only place you can go is the beach.
if i had the money for lights, my 110 would have already been up and running. makes me want to get another job.
I here you, I miss having all four seasons, especially at Christmas time.
I used to live in Albuquerque and that was the best place to live as far as climate goes. All four seasons and when it snowed it was pretty but never enough to cause any problems. But I had to follow my husbands job.

I got my lights, two 250W MHs with IceCap Ballasts and Mini-Luminarc Reflectors for about $550. I'm using 14K bulbs so no actinics are needed. It's a great set up and I only have two bulbs to replace. Oh, and my tank is 6' long and the two lights cover the entire tank.
If you want more info send me a PM.


Active Member
ive considered living a few other places once i finish college. somewhere like colorado, oregon or north california are my main interests. i really do like LI though.
as for the lights, thats not my only concern. im most likely going away to college next fall, so id hate to leave a 110 gallon sps tank alone with my parents. im sure i could walk them through waht needs to be done, but then id feel like if they wanted to go on vacation and what not the tank would be holding them back.
teen said:
nietzsche: i dose purple up as a calcium additive. i didnt buy it specifically for that (i bought it when i was a newb and i wanted coraline in my tank), but all it does is raise calcium, so ill use it until i run out, then ill buy another calcium additive. as for alkalinity, i dose kalkwasser almost everynight , and that keeps my alk at 9. occasionally ill add some magnesium, but i havent done that in a few months and my colors are great as well as my coraline growth so i see no need for it right now.
You know, I am pretty sure that Purple Up also adds Magnessium and Strontium in the correct proportions to the Calcium. That may help keep youre Mag and Stro levels correct. Just my .02..
teen said:
nietzsche: i dose purple up as a calcium additive. i didnt buy it specifically for that (i bought it when i was a newb and i wanted coraline in my tank), but all it does is raise calcium, so ill use it until i run out, then ill buy another calcium additive. as for alkalinity, i dose kalkwasser almost everynight , and that keeps my alk at 9. occasionally ill add some magnesium, but i havent done that in a few months and my colors are great as well as my coraline growth so i see no need for it right now.
You know, I am pretty sure that Purple Up also adds Magnessium and Strontium in the correct proportions to the Calcium. That may help keep youre Mag and Stro levels correct. Just my .02..
Originally Posted by teen
nietzsche: i dose purple up as a calcium additive. i didnt buy it specifically for that (i bought it when i was a newb and i wanted coraline in my tank), but all it does is raise calcium, so ill use it until i run out, then ill buy another calcium additive. as for alkalinity, i dose kalkwasser almost everynight , and that keeps my alk at 9. occasionally ill add some magnesium, but i havent done that in a few months and my colors are great as well as my coraline growth so i see no need for it right now.
murph145: as of now everybody seems to be happy. the problem im having though is that its only a 30 gallon tank. what were once a bunch of 1" frags are now 3-6" colonies/mini colonies and im starting to get worried i dont have enough room. ive been doing a lot of fragging, and what im noticing is that that is only encouriging more growth. i mean its cool, but im seriously out of room and i still have frags on my sand bed that need to go into the rockwork.

You know, I am pretty sure that Purple Up also adds Magnessium and Strontium in the correct proportions to the Calcium. That may help keep your Mag and Stro levels correct. Just my .02..