tooo muchhhhhhh


3 weeks ago was my birthday and i got a lot present from my friends. i got 1 sps coral, buble coral, mushroom, velvet damsel, bar goby, six line wrase. since than my nitrate never drop again to 0. this 3 weeks i been checking my nitrate closely and never drop from 10. other this live stock i also have yellow tang, purple fish, parcula clown, tomato clown, 2 stripe damsel, 2 blue damsel, mandarin, blue linkia starfish, and 12 turbo snails. my old coral are elegence, colt, 2 leather, sea mat, star polyp, galaxia, and few mushroom. this is a 55 gallon tank running with 2 skimmer cpr back pack and MTC pro 4500 and also 30 gallon refugium with live rock only(no sand). i already have around 120 about 4 inches sand in the tank, and i am thingking about put another 15-40 pds sand to the tank (6 inches). do u think it will reduce my nitrate again, since i have so many bio load in my tank. the tank has a plenum system.
another reason i am worry about is the tank it self. will the tank support if i put 15-40 pds sand to the tank. inside the tank i also have live rock about 120 pds.
what do u think guys?


With that amount of fish in a 55, I don't know if you will ever get your levels perfect. You may want to scale back on the fish a little. Fish are a big bio load on a tank. With a 4 in DSB and 120 lbs of live rock, doesn't leave much room for that many fish, esp. the tang. Maybe you can trade a few fish on a coral at your lfs.


the tank has been set up more than a year. all my water is perfect before, ph 8.2 ammonia 0, nitirite 0, nitrate 0. but only since my b'day my nitrate goes up to 10 and never drop. i always do 6 gallon water change every week.


the MTC 4500 is a new skimmer with my tank. its been running 2 weeks now. i think i had enough skimmer. what do u think about the sand?
should i add it? will my tank crack if i add(heavy)?


here are the pic of my tank so u have the idea. <a href="" target="_blank">YusaReef</a>