top 10 fav fishies


umm what are everybodies top 10 fav fish and add pics if you got some cuz i need to start making a list of what im going to stock my 125g with lol


Here you go. Chromis, Yellow Tangs, Maculosus Angel, Rabbit Fish, all my favorites cuz they're all in my tank.:happyfish


i love rabbit fish but cant find ne round here. look at this sad pic. the fish is a wild one though so its not like ne one could have doesed it with something



Originally posted by rabbitfish
what kind of rabbitfish is urs? i love the colors around his face... wow gorgeouse rabbit... love m love m:D
:happyfish :happyfish

I think he is a doliatus rabbit. Not really sure though.
Here's a picture from the web. I think it's a wild one. mine not as colorful yet. Hopefully with the varity of foods and supplements he will be shortly. :)


Number one is the Naso Tang, second would be Red Sea Sailfin Tang, Third would be Mandarin Dragonet, Fourth French Angel, Fifth Bicolor Blennie, Sixth Emperor Angel, Seventh, Powder Brown Tang, Eigth Long Nose Butterfly, Ninth Blue Face Angel, and last but not least, Harlequin Tusk.


i think the mandarin is big of a tank and live rock would u recommend??? I have a 33g with ~25 LR....enough?


Active Member
1. Ocellaris Clown
2. French Angel
3. Eibli Angel
4. Royal Gramma
5. Yellow Clown Goby
6. Naso Tang
7. Longhorned Cowfish
8. Foxface
9. Firefish
10. Powder Blue Tang


1. Juv. Koran Angel
2. Emperor Angel
3. Powder Blue Tang
4. Majestic Angel
5. Sohal Tang
6. Raccoon Butterfly
7. Clown Trigger
8. Picasso (HumuHumu) trigger
9. LM Blenny
10. Snowflake Moray


Active Member
1. clown trigger

2. fire fish . all types
3. manderin
4. clowns percs
5. chromis
6. cowfish
7. koran angel
8. emperor angel
9. picasso trigger
10. naso tang
11. sohal tang
12. hippo tang
13. powder blue tang
14. achillies tang
15. purple tang
16. yellow tang
17. clown tang
sorry i couldnt pick just 10


1.purple tang(gorgeous)
2.regal tang(beautiful)
3.powder blue tang
4.maroon clown
5.moorish idol (can't get one i'm getting a reef tank)
6.mandarin dragonet
7.emperor angel
8.flame hawk (gotta love them)
9.copper banded butterfly
10.volitan lionfish(can't get one)
all treasures of the sea


1 True perc clown
2 Firefish
4 Royal Gramma
5 Jawfish
6 Flame Angel
7 Yellow Banded Goby
8 Blue Hippo Tang
9 Purple Tang
10 Blue Chromis


1. Bluespotjaw
2. Blueface angel
3. Conspicultus angel (sp.?)
4. Flame hawk
5. Harlequin Tusk
6. Fairy Wrasse (any)
7. True perc's
8. Potter's angel
9. Powder blue tang
10. Clown trigger
I could keep going forever!! :D


1. all
2. all
3. all
4. all
5. all
6. all
7. all
8. all
9. all
10. and last but not lease........*drum roll* ALLL!!!!
gotta love them all


mmm me 2 the fish store restocked today and they have the prettiest fish.. to bad i dont have my tank yet. i think im getting to far ahead of myself already wanting to buy all the fish. i have to get me some blue chromises though cuz my mom fell in love with them at the store and a mandarin when my tank is good enough with pods and stuff and a bi color blenny but that is all that is most definately decided right now


Active Member
From what you've read what get sucked into the filter? If you are talking about puffers, then I would say they are curious, and they explore, but getting sucked up??? I have never heard of that. I would think that they are to big. Unless you are talking about another kind of fishthat someone posted.