top 10 fav fishies


Assasi Trigger
Hawaiian Dragon Moray
Volitans Lionfish
Townsend's Angel (Queen x Blue)
Cuban Hog
Flame Hawk
Longnose Hawk
Semilarvatus B-fly
Bangaii Cardinal
True percula Clown


The cow fish are HIGHLY underrated in this top ten list. This is an outrage!! I demand a recount. In all seriosness, they are pretty cool fish!! Now give 'em some respect!!
Awesome Mike Tyson's punchout graphic Nicky!!!


lol I started this post about this time last year... I didn't expect for it to show up again
Well my fish list has changed quite a bit as well as my grammar... I busted out laughing when I read my former posts from all the bad grammar and misspelled words... :rolleyes: For my list as of now I would have to say...
10. Flame Hawkfish
9. Purple Tang
8. Bicolor Blenny
7. Lemon Peel Angelfish
6. Pearlscale Butterfly
5. B&W clownfish
4. Yellow Clown Goby
3. Chevron Tang
2. Clown Tang
1. Green Mandarin/ Psy. Mandarin ( I think I adore them equally):cheer:


Active Member
not 10 but 5,
1) clown tang
2) convict tang
3) blue hippo tang
4) midnight angel
5) coral beauty


1. Harlequin Tuskfish
2. Potter's Angel
3. Flame Angel
4. Antenatta Lion
5. Radiata Lion
6. Burgess Angel
7. Valintini Puffer
8. Tasselated Filefish
9. Planehead Filefish
10. Longnose Hawkfish