top 10 fish for beginners


I thought it might be helpful for all the beginners on the board if the more experienced among us lent us their opinions on the "top 10" easiest fish for beginnners. The more colorful and interesting the better! And no damsels, please. I'm starting to think that nobody should put damsels in their tank regardless of if you're a beginner or not. Those buggers are just too damn aggressive and will make it next to impossible to add more fish later. So let's say no damsels on this list. Community-minded fish only!


any goby on this site that has a care level of easy. (click on the fish on the fish page scroll down it is in a yellow square along with compatibility, diet, aclimation, etc....)


I think that the Yellow tang is fairly simple to take care of has a very bright color, the only thing is Tank size...

barry cuda

I'm one of the *least* experienced here, but I'll still throw in a mention of Banggai cardinals...they're hardy, docile, and really nice to look at.


The one thing about the tang....they are sensitive fish. I dont think they are good with beginners. I can attest to that. They are prone to parasites, and HLLE.
I think though, the Scopas tang would be okay.


^^^^ SFE are awsome, just make sure the tank doesnt have any little holes. Lions are fairly hardy, but for your tank size, you really only could comfrotably keep a dwarf, which can be a little tricky to wean from live food to frozen.


MY first 2 fish are gonna be 2 true percs (or false). Do they eat algae? R they good to start off w/? R there any other differences between true and false besides that trues have a thicker line? Any other info would be appriciated.
thank u:D


Active Member
look at petem's avatar a few posts up...that is a true perc...false are more like the nemo fish