Some really good guesses Chuck. Number 1 - Ocellaris Clown
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 4 ½ inches
* Needs a 30-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from the Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean
Number 2 - Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 12 inches
* Needs a 75-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Fiji, Indo-Pacific, Solomon Islands, and Hawaii
Number 3 – Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flaviscens)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 8 inches
* Needs a 75-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Hawaii
Number 4 - Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 3 inches
* Needs a 30-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Coral Sea, Indo-Pacific, Tahiti
Number 5 - Flame Angel (Centropyge loricula)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 6 inches
* Needs a 30-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Christmas Island, Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Tahiti, and Hawaii
Number 6 – True Percula Clownfish (Amphriprion percula)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 4 ½ inches
* Needs a 24-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Number 7 - Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 5 ½ inches
* Needs a 24-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Indo-Pacific
Number 8 - Neon Goby (Gobiosoma oceanops)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 2 inches
* Needs a 10-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Western Atlantic
Number 9 - Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 4 inches
* Needs a 30-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from Indo-Pacific, Red Sea and Australia
Number 10 - Copperband Butterfly (Chelmon rostratus)
Vital Stats:
* Grows to 8 inches
* Needs 50-gallon+ aquarium
* Comes from the Indo-Pacific and Australia