top heavy leather? i cant get it to stay upright


Active Member
so as the title says. i have toadsstool leather andits open but it seems top heavy i need to change the rock position every day or so so get it so it stay upright. now its almost at a 90 degree angle. a little less..
what is the problem? all my other corals are open and i use tropic marin salt. i am goign to do a wc tomorrow.
thanks again


Originally Posted by bill109
so as the title says. i have toadsstool leather andits open but it seems top heavy i need to change the rock position every day or so so get it so it stay upright. now its almost at a 90 degree angle. a little less..
what is the problem? all my other corals are open and i use tropic marin salt. i am goign to do a wc tomorrow.
thanks again
Is the trunk bending???? colapsing?? does it look healthy????? has the coloring changed?? I just lost one myself.....started doing the same thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by jkcrumb
Is the trunk bending???? colapsing?? does it look healthy????? has the coloring changed?? I just lost one myself.....started doing the same thing
its opened and the trunk is like now 90 degrees cus the lights are off. i dont know where to put it to keep it up right but looking healthy? about 85-90 percent healthy..
this stinks.


I was trying to move mine around and it did this, it had never attached itself to a rock and was about 5-6" round with a 3-4"T, 2-3"W base. I got one of my glasses from the kitchen and put it in there and waited a couple of months until it had really settled in. Then I removed it from the glass, it wasn't attached too heavily, just twisted and pulled and then I attached it to a tonga branch rock with some ribbon. It attached itself to the tonga branch in about a month and since I have been able to move the same branch any which way and it will turn it's "face" to the light. If it is a smaller mushroom try a shot glass, if the glass is too deep, put some sand in the bottom. You will have to trash your glass when you are done because of the coraline so don't get one of your best ones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by janastasio

clever.. i didnt want to i couldnt keep it up so i went with the more appropriote.. lol
im thikning about that glass idea. maybe just break half the rock its in and stic that in the glass so the stem rests up against the glass sidewalls?!
thanks for the info and ny help is neesed..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ElitePhoto
mine does this too BUT only after lights out and its closed up. when the lights are on it stands up tall.
hmm mine dosent. idk what to do with it.