Top Off Idea


I got this off of some web site that some kid made. It seems like a pretty good idea so I thought I would post it and get some comments.
Its a simple design...
For the water container I would use a 5 gal. water cooler jug. I am getting a 90 gallon, so do you think this will be sufficient? I dont mine switching containers twice a week or so, its just a pain topping off every single day.
Heres the info. about it. In the drawing on the left a siphon is started in the tube with the label "water out". Water will continue to siphon out of container "A" and air will be drawn into tube "B" until the water level in the sump rises enough to submerge the end of tube "B". At this point water will be drawn into tube "B" and rise until it is approximately at the same level as the water in container "A" (drawing on the right). This effectively stops any more air from entering container "A" and thus no more water can flow out of the siphon tube. The system will stay in this state until the water level in the sump drops enough to uncover the end of tube "B" which will allow air to rush in and the cycle will repeat. By adjusting the height of the end of tube "B" you can vary the water level in your sump.
Heres a pic. Thanks a lot for your help and comments!


The only problem I see is making the fitments in the container 100% air tight otherwise you'll have a slow leaking process going on, also if it because not so air tight all of a sudden you'd be introducing 5 gallons of water to the tank that would overflow it and drop the salinity considerably. Just my two cents on the idea.
If you tackle those to problems and make them not problems but an unlikelhood it'd be a nice simple setup.
I have toyed with this idea the tubing must be large. 1/4" ice maker line will not work. The unit must be 100% sealed or the water will dump in one shot. The amount of evaporation means alot of make up water. Disadvantages you still need to carry the water Gallons to the tank.


unit easily airtight, since you can make the hoses going through the lid airtight with some aquarium sealant. the lid/container junction is the weak point, but if you found a properly sized rubber gasket, the lid can be taken on and off anytime you need to refill the container.
this is a very common setup... in bongs


Active Member

Originally posted by acekjd83
this is a very common setup... in bongs

I nwas thinking the same lol...:D