Top Off


I keep seeing people talking about Top offs on their tanks. What is the max amount of freshwater that I can add to top off a tank and how exactly is this done. Tank is 35 gallons, 4 weeks old and got its first fish two days ago.


Active Member
To be on the safe side and keep it simple, do daily top-offs with RO water. You're just adding freshwater to replace the water that has evaporated ..... remember, only water evaporates, not the salt content.


So do I treat the R/O water with anything or just buy it from walmart and put some in?
Thanks for your help!


I draw a line on my tank when I do a water change then I continue to top off with RO water back to the line until I do another water change.
Not to get off on another subject I like to add a PH buffer to my RO to raise the PH to the level I like to keep my tank. Just remeber when testing PH in Fresh Water you will probably need a different test kit from what you test your Salt Water with.


Active Member
The above posts are fine .... But test the water first to see if any additives are needed in your case.


I add 1/2 to a full gallon of water every week depending on how much water evaporates. I add distilled water that I buy at Walgreen's or the grocery store.


Are you guys adding water conditioner to your RO water ?
add 1/2 gal to 1 gal a week ??? wow I go through 1 gal of evaporated water a day......


I go though around 1.5gal./day in my 90gal. As far as adding conditioner, there is no need. RO/DI already has removed all the clorine and everything.


Active Member
Someone else mentioned something in a different thread about not using any buffer when doing top offs. I did it this last couple of time, it didn't lower my PH. I used to use buffer in RO water for top offs. But since I didn't see any change, I think it would be fine to use just RO water for top offs. Anyway, I'll talk about it to a Chemist next friday, he's coming in to see me that day to bring me a book about how to set up live rocks in ways I've never imagined before. He did however suggested in putting something in the RO water to bring up the PH though. He suggested something natural, can't remember what he said, I'll ask him again next week. I would think he knows what he's talking about since he's a Chemist. :happyfish