
Thought this would amuse you a little, but just this morning as well as yesterday morning I caught my clown trigger allowing the 2 cleaner shrimp to pick at him. This went on for about 15-20 min +. Think it's an evil set-up?
it is doucumented that in the wild cleanershrimp clean triggers. the only reason they eat them is because they have big appetites and they will taste and try anything.


Yes, sometimes they do that in the wild. But most of the time, the shrimp become snacks. What tank is he in and what size? You shouldn't of added the trigger, with the shrimp, because chances were that the trigger would eat it. I'm guessing the trigger is small. Thats good though, that your trigger is living succesfully with the cleaners, and letting them pick at him. But in the future, you may have to get rid of the trigger besause... 1.) You have a 25 and 32 gallon, those are two small for clown triggerfish, they get around 14 in. in the home aquarium, and around 20 in. in the wild. If you are planning on upgrading for your clown, you will need a 150 gallon or larger aquarium. 2.) The clown trigger will eventually grow big, and triggerfish learn quickly. My friend, has in his tank a clown trigeer and had a bunch of damsels. He bought the clown trigger at 2 in. and had damsels 3 in. The clown trigger, grew up with the damsels for a year and got around 6 in. and still living with the damsels. But one day, the clown trigger accidently bit, the damsel, and the damsel died. Next morning he woke up and found nothing but a clown trigger. Triggerfish, are smart, and learn quickly. So eventually it might attack the shrimp, but that probibly won't be until a long time. But that is excellent to have a triggerfish live with any invert, especially shrimp. Congrats, and keep up the goodwork.
yeah clowntriggers are tricky they wait until the other fish put there gaurd down and it,s dinner time i had a real nice cleaner and he would clean all the fish until one day my hum hum bite him and then he was gone , i hav a 4.5 inch clown and a hum hum alitlle bigger and the clown acts like he is affraid of the hum hum and when the hum hum isn,t looking the clown will nip at him but the crazy thing they are always around each other and the clown sleeps in a real big sea shell i hav with my snoweflake but i don,t trust the clowntrigger at all but hopefully nothing happens i hope , :cool:
Well at the moment they are in my 25, but within the next 3-5 months I plan on getting a much larger tank I am looking into the 180 - 200 gal. range, and if I get this house I am looking at then it will be bigger than that due to extra room. I still can't believe that my lfs told me there wouldn't ever be a problem, anyway due to info from here and such I actually hunted down and found 2 more lfs near me. Hopefully they won't tell me things so I just buy like this one.
1 more question, where can I find more info on triggers? they have suddenly fascinated me with their intence personalities
i was thinking of selling my 150 to get the 225 faster but if your interested i,ll be selling it for 500 with wet and dry and alot of extra parts i mean like 6 filters ,air pumps etc. :D
Kool not all that far, Have you ever been to Barrier Reef (lfs)down in Boca? They have some nice fish, but I am getting disheartened by them.
never been there but i go to the jewels of the sea down here they are cool and honest they will tell you what you need to know , the guy at the pet store is so cool that he would let me trade my fish when ever i want and get sharks or go with a reef setup , the sotre is real good in prices too. :D
Hmmm?...I might make a trip and check them out. The main attraction to Barrier Reef is their 33" snowflake (in a 500gal. reef) Hey if I can't handle this little guy after he gets bigger (1 1/2" now) you might get a free fishy :D


New Member
tomatoclown, you asked where to get info on triggers. Triggers facinate me so much to.They are in my opinion the coolest fish, anything you wanna know about triggers and I mean anything, ask me. :)
Kool, I appreciate and will gladly accept any type of info on them. I almost bought a Bursa today but couldn't due to tank size, plus he was about 5 times the size of my clown.