

Active Member
Fool Ya!:D Actually I just wanted to say I finally decided to remove the glass top to my 46g reef tank and the difference in the light intensity is unbelievable. I had no idea it was blocking out so much of the light from my JBJ 196W PC. I noticed a difference in the extensions of the corals right away. Should've done this long time ago. The only two things that worries me is the possibility of a fish jumping out of the tank and the accelerated evaporation of the water. Will have to constantly check for both. Are any of these fish prone to jump out of the tank? Perc Clown, Firefish, Anthias(not sure which one), green mandarin and algae blenny.


Active Member
firefish are jumpers....we know. Only once did "spike" try it and we were there to put him right back in.
:eek: That was only right after we got him and he was still a little spooked. Now he seems more at ease and hasn't gone down that path again. :) Topless seems so much better our evaporation isn't too bad.


Go to lowes or home depot in the lighting section and get some "eggcrate" Its looks like a big plastic grid. Use this as a barrier for fish jumping out, but still gives the open water effect. The best of both worlds :)


Active Member
I just removed the glass from my tank 2 weeks ago, I can relate to WOW what a diffrence! I do have almost twice the evaporation but its well worth it, the tank looks so much healthier.
BTW - I have eggcrate ready to go if I get any jumpers!


Wouldn't the evaporation and water movement (ie. little splashes) be bad news for your electricity powered lights? Unless there's protection, like glass/plastic, I can see a nice short coming in the future...water and electricity mix all too well - in a bad way.