Topoff or Waterchange?


i top off my tank once a week (small tank) and do small water changes every two weeks, what is the difference of topping off a tank and changing the water, doesn't the evaporation of the water pretty much do the same thing? or does it only take water and not toxins...


with water chagnes, you are getting rid of toxins, etc. With evaporatoin and top offs, you are only getting rid of pure water-- leaving salt and toxins. relying on evaporation to do you watere changes will result in a higher and higher level of toxins in your water unless you have some method of nutirent export (refugium with culerpera, etc).
If you wait for it to evaporate, THEN do a water change, and use salt water to get the level to where it should be, you also will increase the salinity.


Active Member
For me I have not done a water change for about 7 months now, I do Topoff a gallon and a half a day, of RO/DI water, this works for me so far with the denitrator running,