topping off tank question


ok- this may sound totally stupid :notsure: to most of you but here goes anyways...
When I need to top off my tank because the salinity has gone up slightly how do I know how much to add to bring it back to the correct level that I try to keep it at? Is there a certain formula like 1 gallon= would go from 1.026 to 1.025? I know it is stressful on the fish to have the levels change alot so I thought I would ask...This is the first time I have had to top off since adding my first fish. Thanks in advance and sorry to sound like an idiot. :thinking:


Active Member
just add the same amount that evaportated.. fill it back up to the same level it was at.
well, that is assuming that u havent let half of it evaportate, lol..


Active Member
It's best to top off often if you're losing water through evaporation. You're better off topping of 1/2 to 1 gallon than waiting until you need 2 or 3. With small additions you should affect your salinity too much and any change will be small.


Active Member
Just add water to replace what has evaporated. You will need to decide if it dictates daily or weekly adds. Just remember water evaporates and salt doesn't....
I think what JumpFrog meant to say was: "With small additions you shouldn't affect your salinity too much and any change will be small."
I agree with that 100%


Thanks for all of the advice. I guess I am just being too careful :notsure: I added a gallon and it is back to the level I normally maintain...

salty cheese

Active Member
Just so you are aware, ALL of the inhabitants in you tank are sensitive to changes in salinity and you should do your best to maintain a constant level or you will cause unneeded stress or worse.


Active Member
yea i use an airline to add water to my sump... nice n slow... i dont drip, the hose slows it down enough...