topping off


can anyone tell me if topping off during a tank cycle will be ok. my tank is 3 weeks into cycle n i topped off twice due to evaporation.


Active Member
As water evaporates salt does not. So your salinity (Sg) will rise becasue there is less water but the same amount of salt. So you top off with fresh RODi or distilled water to a predetermined level to maintain the salinity (Sg) at a constant level.


ok thanks for the response feelin real dumb i've realizedthat a while ago but i was thinkin it might make my cycle time longer


just got done reading lion crazz info n found out what sg was, thanks though tested my tanks today n my nitrates r 20 - 30. so not sure if i should get a cuc tomorrow, hoping to get a fish in there by halloween.

crypt keeper

Active Member
trates are okay for fish only. They will come down. Trites and ammonia. once those hit zero you are fish ready. If you have any readings of nitrites and ammonia its not done its cycle.
You top off with fresh water. Not saltwater.


i do top off with fresh not salt i have 55 fo n a 90 with lr n livesand cycling . i plan on selling my 55 n putting everything in the 90 eventually.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I would get the norm. snails. stay away from hermits. They will eat the snails. Maybe some star fish. urchin cleaner shimrp are awesome and will clean your fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
People tend to forget a hermit crab is still a crab. They will kill snails for their shells. They are cool but a waste and cant climb the glass and help clean algae. Not that a snails will fully do it but it helps.

crypt keeper

Active Member
They have different uses IMO and IME they arent as great as certain snails. They will clean out your sand bed of good pods. Your tang will eat any of the algae off rocks. You dont needs hermits. They are cool and add movement. But I got a trigger and he ate them all.


omg i cant kill'em maybe i can give'em away. will my tang eat all my good algae? i dont want that. u know what i mean like my coraline algae?