Torch Coral & Clownfish


Forgive my lack of knowledge, but what is the likelihood of a clownfish creating a symbiotic relationship with a torch coral or any euphyllia??? I have phyically seen a tomato clown and a toadstool leather; a perculla and a long tentacle plate, so iwas just curious about a torch coral with any type of clownfish
Thanks in advance for any replies!!
p.s. don't be afraid to let me know how wrong i am


Active Member
I've seen clowns show some interest...but it didn't last long. This is not to say it can't happen though. :D
:happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
It can happen, but it's really up to the clown. From what I have heard, captive bred clowns are more flexible than wild caughts on having a coral host inplace of an anemone.


Is it healthy for the coral??? If so, what type of clownfish would be the most valid candidate??? I have heard that clarkii's will go to just about anything, do you think that a clarkii would be my best shot??
The reason I am looking for an anemone alternative is because I have a small 25 gallon tank with an abundance of corals, I have been told that it is not safe to throw an anemone into the mix. However I would love to have a clownfish and a ??? symbiotic relationship. Any suggestions would be MUCH APPRECIATED!!!
p.s. thanks for the warm welcome!!!


Active Member
clownfish dont have to have an anemone to be happy. you can just get the clown and itll be fine. ive heard that some people have been using fake anemone's and are having pretty good luck with them


Active Member
Clarkiis are nice. I have also seen perculas, ocellaris, and maroons with a coral host. Whatever you like best.
As long as the coral doesn't look stressed out, or closes up whenever the clown swims through, then it will be ok.


Active Member
Sorry.... I misread your original post, I thought you were referring to torch corals only. My occellaris clowns are hosted by a hammer coral. :D


Thank you guys so much for your replies, I have a branch hammer and a torch, so hopefully my chances are decent, I will probably go for a pair of tank raised ocellaris'. I'll let you all know how it goes!!!
Thanks again guys!!!
- Shawn


yeah let us know...theres a pair of true percs at my LFS that are hosted by a large hammer. Should be some pics if they do