torch coral

My LFS has some awesome looking torch coral. One piece has about 6 or 7 large heads and its only 30$. The other one is about 13 heads for about 40$. The smaller one has a little slime coming off it, but it still looks great, and healthy. I think the slime is from the waving xenia its next to.
Anyway, will my lights be suffice. I have 2x65w PC, and I have a brain coral, hammer coral, hipopus clam and aton of softies all doing great, will I be ok? Params are fine.


Active Member
i dunno much about them.. but those prices are good compared to some of what i seen this weekend.. i really would like to get one.. but unless i can find them at the prices you have.. i wont


Not sure if this is ant help but I have a torch coral that is lower in the tank than my hammer. Hammer sits about 2/3 up from the top and the torch sits on bottom of my tank. Under 440w of vho lighting like I said don't know if this helps.


i WOULD PLACE THE TORCH SOMWHAT NEAR THE TOP with that lighting it will do great i have a 55 with that same lighting and its doing great, but in my 98 there is a world of difference with the vho lights first pic of torch in 55 2nd in 98 under vho


Active Member
if you have been successful with a hammer coral than a torch will be no different. They are the same species of coral, just a different variety.
I would be more worried about the hippopus clam than the torch.
P.S. I would not buy the one with slime on it . . . could be brown jelly disease.
P.P.S. Buy one, frag it and sell the frags and you have yourself a free coral.


Midwest we are down in bloomington alot, and is there only the 3 stores? We are constantly on the look out for new ones. We also go to champaign and springfield.
007- I was going to ask how to frag this coral. Thanks for the warning, I will not get the one with the slime. Weve discussed the hipopus before a few months ago and you gave it 6 months tops, and its still thriving. Its been in there since about late October, early November.
Turns out If the pics above are torches, this is not a torch coral. Is it possibly a candy cane coral, the LFS has it labeled torch coral. It has large circular polyps, and each one looks almost like a mini red meat coral :confused:
Tommyfish, I live here in bloomington. I got to Pet Supply, Marine Aquatics, and Premium Pet Supply, In Champaign I go to Sailfin and in Springfield I go to Fish man and one other, forgot the name. I always seem to find good prices.
As for towards Peoria, never been, friends of mine purchased their tank in pekin, but said the livestock was garbage. Wouldnt mind making a run over there someday, do you have any good stores in mind that I should check out?
Can anyone confirm the coral for me?


There are no real good stores. In pekin there is fishin times, but I wouldn't put any of there fish in my tanks. They are all diseased and half dead. He doesn't really care. He has a coral tank that is decent on some days. Shipment days that is, a few on tues, but mainly thurs fri. Charlies is O.K., but not a big selection by any means. In creve couer there is world wide pets, they have nice tanks, but selection has been slim lately.


Active Member
Sorry . . . got a bad memory.
It sounds like you are referring to candy cane coral. Do a search for that and see if thats what you are looking at.
To frag them, just use a Dremel or similar tool to cut the skeleton as far from the actual polyp as possible. You really don't want to cut the flesh of the coral.


yes thats a candy cane.... or trumpet. i have two in my 3 gallon under only 13 watts PC and they survive in the bottom of the tank, although they arent growing fast at all.


New Member
I live in Peoria and go to super pets a lot, i agree about fishin times, and i've heard that at world wide pets you can walk in there one day and get a price for a fish come back a week later and the price is 4 times higher, only ever been there once wasn't impressed.