Torch or Frogspawn??


New Member
There is a little debate going on regarding the actual type of coral this is... Anyone care to settle?


Active Member
to me it looks like both. frogspawn has multiple tips like some of them do in the pic and a torch has single tenticles as some of them in the pic also. but to me my final guess is a frogspawn.


Active Member
Torch. the tips by in large are clearly simple half

shaped (torch) although a few polyps have an odd Y shape branching prior to the tips which could confuse people into thinking its frogspawn. a few of the tips arent "perfect" which could also be taken for frogspawn (not many of them though).


Active Member
as for the pics thats what i was basing my guess on. if you look at the original post pic the right side has the "y" tenticles and the left side has the regular tenticles. i also have both of these corals and i wasstill wrong. my torch looks nothing like the posted 1 in discussion. even though im wrong i still like to voice my opinion


Active Member
Its not unusual for a torch to have a few branched tenticals....a frogspawn has nearly every tentical branched with several branches on most of them.


Active Member
hybrid maybe, but I'm inclined to say frogspawn due to the width of the tenticles....The torches I see tend to have thinner tenticles with a perfect ball shaped tip....
Either way--it's gorgeous~


Active Member
Torch, frogspawn have the little "buds" all they way up their tenticles, yous just has them at the top