Tornado And Thunderstorm In Area!!!


theres a tornado warning and severe thunderstorm warning in CT today. wut do i do if i lose power? how do i keep the tank warm?


first think of your safety are they close to where you are or just in the state/
If they are close take cover dont worry about the tank and take cover !!!!
yeah I know its obvious but still had to say it.
If they are just in the vacinity then yeah any of the above mentioned items work if its long term because of tornatic damage and will take time to fix you will have to look at long term remedies.


Well, I'm just thinking if you lose power, blankets work.
If your house sustains damage I think you should probably just take all your livestock to the LFS and/or sell it.
I'm going to put on my "captain obvious" hat now and march around my house with an eyepatch until my wife calls the cops.


Active Member
i guess there was a tornado that touched down, but very far away from us. for the most part we only had watches, with tstorm warnings.
the frogs in my pool are loving this rain. wait till i get chlorine in there...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i guess there was a tornado that touched down, but very far away from us. for the most part we only had watches, with tstorm warnings.
the frogs in my pool are loving this rain. wait till i get chlorine in there...

so where did it touch down?
well i have a small generator that you cna carry around tht has a handel on it. can u fry ano of ur equipment if ur generator puts out to many wats.?


Active Member
supposedly in bethany, which i believe is near norwich. it's unconfirmed.
i would doubt a generator would fry anything. your house has more electricity available to it than you're using at any given time. i, of course, am just surmising and am in no way sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
supposedly in bethany, which i believe is near norwich. it's unconfirmed.
i would doubt a generator would fry anything. your house has more electricity available to it than you're using at any given time. i, of course, am just surmising and am in no way sure.

ok wel i know that we had thia one generator that you nned to wheel afound its soo big and you couldnt plug in ur laptop charger and charge it cus you would fry it! lol
but also i ment from the generator (failrly small ) straight to the tank
maybe im misunderstnding it?


Active Member
if you can carry it no need to worry about too many watts, any way output of watts has nothing to do with it, it's what you plug in pulling to much wattage/amps that matters and that little thing you carry around is not going to power a lot of equipment anyway...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
if you can carry it no need to worry about too many watts, any way output of watts has nothing to do with it, it's what you plug in pulling to much wattage/amps that matters and that little thing you carry around is not going to power a lot of equipment anyway...tobin
lol it aint as little a u think
thank for the clearification tobin,


Active Member
yeah i used to drive long haul trucks those inverters are pretty cool but to run your system i would go no less than 500w that should power a couple items at a time, so you could just rotate stuff around, and you could get that for around 40 bucks...tobin


I just recently went though a power outage this past weekend in ohio, and I used the power inverter trick. Make sure you go out side and turn on your car every other hour to make sure the battery doesn't get drained. I had to do that through 11pm to 5 am in the morning, that really sucked!


Originally Posted by TriGa22
I never knew about the car battery thing.. Thats cool.
if you want to use car battery, go to the interstate battery store and get a deep cycle battery. The ones for wheel chair, those last a long time if used for just the heater and a small pump.
If CT is threaten by Tornados, Oklahoma City is a a fun place to go watch 'em twistering around!!


all my years living in ct never really had to worry about a tornado or any horrid weather except Nor Easters!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Si12iuS
all my years living in ct never really had to worry about a tornado or any horrid weather except Nor Easters!!!
which go from nor easter to a few inches to rain..


I mean the inverter trick is and should only be for short time / emergency pourposes... not really a long time solution... u can always have an extra batter and use the inverter if its big enough to charge the one that died......
.... i m stupid i think of the weirdest things and they work soo