
Just got a tornado warning, and the direction seems pretty close to our home....
SO WHAT DO I DO....put my watch on, close my purse, have my cell phone nearby.....and get out the cat crate
LOL....I t old my husband he would never get me out of this house w/o my cat.....
He thinks this being a frame house we would be best outside in a ditch, HUHHHHHH.....I'm from NY remember.....LOL
LOL...Meowzer just climbed in the crate.......
we have so many trees around we would probably never see it coming
wish us luck.....


Good luck but it's probably nothing. I have been under alot of tornado warnings through my life and haven't met one yet. Think positive.


Active Member
Be safe. No basement, internal room in the house, preferably with no windows. Oh an open you windows a bit to help equalize the pressure inside and out. If you already know those things I'm sorry for being captain obvious.


LOL....that's one thing about being in OK....we get a lot of them....but we live in a valleyish place, and they tend to go around us.....
fingers crossed
fingers crossed


Active Member
If you have a crawl space under the house that might be an idea. I'd be digging a cellar of some kind. It also gives you a place the bury the bodies when people dare annoy you.


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/380110/tornado-warning#post_3307327
If you have a crawl space under the house that might be an idea. I'd be digging a cellar of some kind. It also gives you a place the bury the bodies when people dare annoy you.
LOL....there is one room with no windows.....a bathroom

SO that is where me, the cats and dogs...and hopefully hubby will be.....I told him I am not laying in a muddy ditch...
I'm keeping an eye out.....we have a lot of hummingbirds.....he said first sign..they will go away....and we have soooo many trees we will hear it...and have time to hit the bathroom


UPDATE...I'm so proud...satellite is out...I have LOTS of batteries, and just replaced the batteries in my portable radio, so I am listening to the radio
might be out of power soon, so if you don't hear from me.....I'll be fine


OK...I have a candle, 3 flashlights, a couple of pillows in the bathroom
a sleeping bag at the door way to throw over us.....phewwwwww
am I forgetting anything......You know I'll be on this computer as long as I have power....LOL


Looks like we lucked out again....woohooooooo
there are no leaves on some of the trees LOL....but hey...the tree is still standing


Active Member
You're getting the remnants of Tropical Storm Hermine. That system has been hanging over my house for the last two days. The eye of the storm actually passed right over us. I've had to empty my rain gauge twice now. I think I've recorded over 12 inches of rain in the past 48 hours. We're still getting the tailend trains as we speak. Fortunately, we didn't experience any tornados. Good luck and stay hunkered down. By the looks of the system on radar, you're in for a good soaking.


Active Member
I only got about 5 inches... Tornado warning? That should be old hat. Heck in north texas tornado warnings meant everyone would go outside and look for it.