Total Alk-Borate Alk=Carbonate Alk (levels?)


Active Member
Possiably, I could see some bias as they do "sell" the product...
However, I'd give it more of a "sounds reasonable" than a "sounds too good to be true"
Obviously it "costs" them something to add borate salts to their products either it adds something benifical to make a "better" product or it's "cheaper" to use as a "filler" and they save money...:thinking:
Does anyone know how "bulk"pricing on borate salts compares to carbonate and bicarbonate...??


Active Member
Received 1/16/04
I forwarded your email to our Marine Scientist. He will be able to help you. You should hear from him in a day or so.
Tech Dept.

From: <Squidd>
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:17 PM
Subject: Borate in Superbuffer
What is the purpose of borate salts in an Alk buffer...?
What are the benifits...why do you add it to the buffer?
What are some possiable negative effects of too much borate? (other than throwing off an Alk reading)
What are the "recomended" borate levels for a reef tank?
Mine are SG.35ppt, Calcium 450,Mag 1320,Alk4.5meq/l of which 1.5meq/l is Borate
Is this good/low/high?
Please respond...<Squidd>
BTW Love your products.