total newbie 20 gallon


New Member
Okay, I have a 20 gallon tank (L= 24", W= 12", H=14") And I just want to know what my options are in saltwater fish. Also, my mom says sand is too much of a pain in the you-know-what so keep that in mind in your suggestions.
Basically, how would you stock the tank if you were me?


i started a 20 gallon tank almost a month ago and i went to my LFS and he said he had a 10 gallon tank with about 5 fish in it u jus have to stick to smaller fish that are easier and live sand might be a pain but it is better in the long run because it keeps the nitrates down.


I had a 20 gallon tank for a while before I got my new 55 gallon about a month ago. I had 2 clowns and a lawnmore blenny and I would say that my tank was maxed out. I could of probably put more but I didn't want to take the chance of crowding things.


i have a 20g with a SFE, peppermint shrimp, and a coral beauty. might add a clown too. i have LR and LS so you can def have a 3-4 fish in there 1-2inches long. IMO depends how you play it.