Totally Disapointed in my JBJ 12g Nano

Room temp: 72 Degrees
Tank Temp: 83.5
Everything stock. Unreal.
I don't get it how do they sell these if they don't even work properly. Fans are working, installed correctly.
Up for hours now with temp sticking at exactly 83.5
I even tried reversing a fan, same exact temp..
So much for getting LR/LS and starting my cycling tomorrow.
Any suggestions that don't involve buying a 300$ jbj nano chiller.
So mad right now. I shouldn't have to do any DIY work for this tank, it should just work properly. man im frustrated.
Room Temp: 72 degrees.
Thats ridiculous I should have to crank the AC down to what... 68? get real... It's obviously a design flaw.
So I'm supposed to run my AC 24 hours a day at 68 degrees so that a 12 gallon fish tank can maintain a temperature? lol...


Active Member
You need to change out the stock pump. It heats up way too much and there are better options per watts out there.
hey, thanks for responding. I actually JUST switched it out for a Rio 600, and wow the temp sky rocketed. Do you know by any chance off hand what pump would work well?
compact flourescents. although i did a bunch of research over the past 30 years. this whole 78-80 degrees thing is laughable. Most reefs are between 80-85 with 6+ degree fluctuations daily. I'm not worried anymore.
I just wonder where this 78-80 rule came from, it seems to be really prominent but without much merit.
anyways I just put 18 lbs of live rock in my 12g nano and sand, man... it is... cloudy hahaha.
Waiting for it to settle to I can see how cool it looks again.
Oh also, at the LFS i was rummaging through the LR and noticed my hands were killing
Upon inspection, translucent pricklys, about 50-100 all over my hands, still have 25% of them on me as i type. ouch they kinda hurt. anyone know what they are?


Active Member
Probably bristleworm spines, soak in vinegar and they will disappear very fast.
My husband's finger.

A maxijet 600 is what we have in there.
thats them haha. Wish i had some vinegar.
Oh also, second day running
Already my LED nite vu lights have burnt out/stopped working... man, this is rough.
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Those LEDS always burn out. We have 3 JBJs.
really... darn. I wish i could delete post because the title is no negative and this unit really is great, although it does definately run a bit hot and now my leds have gone out and yours do all the time as well.
i mean, im loving this thing, don't get me wrong but.... sigh..
any other design flaws/breaks that will be coming my way. id rather hear about them now rather than let them surprise me down the road hahah.


Sorry to hear about your troubles-they really are great tanks. I have a 12 and a 24, both with upgraded pumps. I us a Rio 600 in the 12, and a 1400 in the 24. I found that a heater is not necessary, even in the winter. Prop your hood up, right behind the feeding lid about an inch and a half ( I use a wine cork!) With the upgraded pump you will not need a powerhead (imo). I stay about 81 +/-. Chemi pure and purigen are great, along with some floss or a polishing pad for the fine particles. Good luck and take it slow, all will work out

Originally Posted by jemshores
Sorry to hear about your troubles-they really are great tanks. I have a 12 and a 24, both with upgraded pumps. I us a Rio 600 in the 12, and a 1400 in the 24. I found that a heater is not necessary, even in the winter. Prop your hood up, right behind the feeding lid about an inch and a half ( I use a wine cork!) With the upgraded pump you will not need a powerhead (imo). I stay about 81 +/-. Chemi pure and purigen are great, along with some floss or a polishing pad for the fine particles. Good luck and take it slow, all will work out

Thanks for your post. Much appreciated tips! I put purigen and chemipure in there the first half day while cycling. I have since taken them out and washed with tap water and put them in containers. Can I use them once the tank is cycled or are they already used up and no good?


Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob
Thanks for your post. Much appreciated tips! I put purigen and chemipure in there the first half day while cycling. I have since taken them out and washed with tap water and put them in containers. Can I use them once the tank is cycled or are they already used up and no good?
Yes...leave them in there. The chemi-pure will last a few months and the purigen can be re-charged. If you wish to rinse/clean them do so with your tank water when you do a water change (swish them around in it). And use only RO/DI water found at grocery stores or W Mart for 30 cents a gallon. My problems have been greatly reduced because of this stuff! I swear by that water.