Totally Klingon Bird of Prey - You're not going to believe this


No - it's the real deal - Check it out frame by frame.
Also it's a pretty legit website - The Marine Life Census.


WOW!!. Yip thats it.... WOW!!!,
oh yeah, now where do i get one of those for my tank :D


Active Member
Awesome! That was one of those things where I had to yell into the other room and get the wife to come over to the computer to see. :D


Hey Daniel - Funny you should ask - I'ts and Octopus using it's decloaking device. I guess I should have put a disclaimer for dial-up. It's a 2MB file so it might take a little bit


These will be extinct in a few years due to military research and development (My lame conspiricy theory :rolleyes: )
Otherwize, VERY incredible display of light refraction.
Got to wonder if this creature uses this incredible skill mainly for defense, (hiding like a scaredey cat) or as a super stealth hunter.
I know I'd flip out if that thing "de-cloaked" next to me :eek:


Oh,I thought I was supposed to try and tell if that was a cleaner wrasse going by.Just kidding!I have seen pics and videos of octopus doing that but never have seen anything quite as vivid as that!Amazing!


Active Member
Very cool!! An LFS around here as a blue ring and it did the same darn thing - but I did not have the option to play back .... very cool critter.
There was a company a while back that has made material that is an urban camo - it was posted on here a long time ago .... ugh - it was pretty cool!