Touching LR

bean 1

I have some LR scheduled to arrive next week, however I will be on call and not able to be home to place it in the storage bin that I cure my LR in. My question is this: Has anyone ecver been bit, stung or hurt in any way while handling LR out of the box. I've done this many times and have never had a problem but my wife has seen what comes out of the rock during the cycling process and afterwards. The three 6-8" bristleworms that came from the last shipment has her spooked! I told her that all she has to do is pick it up and place it in the storage containers filled with water and I'm not sure its going to work. She says that she will do it if she has some thick rubber gloves! Has anyone ever had a bad experience. Your comments would be appreciated.
Thanks Bean1/2/3


I have never had any problems with mine. I never use gloves but I move and rearrange my LR all the time. Granted the pieces I have are 6 years old but they have never been a problem.


Active Member
tell her to wear some gloves and she'll be fine. Then wine and dine her and she will be all set.


007 - good idea, but I would reverse and dine her (then wine her again) and then give her some gloves. I don't touch anything with my bare hands after I've seen my clean-up crew (worms, brittles and my shrimp that like to nibble.....ewww). I love to look, but not touch (my boyfriend likes that theory :happy: )


Active Member
I've never used gloves to handle my rock and I've always been fine. Then again, I've handled bristle worms with my hands and been fine, so perhaps I'm not the one to take advice from. However, if gloves make her feel more comfortable, then just give her gloves. I would think a new pair of dishwashing gloves would be perfect for the job.