tough decision


Another question. I have to make a choice between a 90 gallon acrylic custom with stand and canopy or 180 gallon acrylic tank only. What should I do as I cant find just a reasonable priced stand for a 180 gallon tank and dont know where to look. I want the 180 but for same price I can get 90 with stand and hood.


I would need some good detailed plans for a 180 gallon tank stand and I have googled for them but can't seem to find any. Do you have any idea where I could get plans for a stand that would hold 180 gallon tank. That is a lot of weight.


Check ----! Someone there has been selling plans for tank stands for over a year. People seem to like the plans as his feedback is quite good. I'd post the link but I have to run!


not trying to put a damper on your plans but i would rethink the whole thing. the tank/stand is just a small part of the purchasing your going to have to do. Can you afford the LR, Sand, skimmer, Lighting, Pumps, ect. you will need to get this tank up (a 90g or a 180g) and running. And once you do will you be able to afford all the things you want to put into it and also be able to afford to maintain it.
Start looking at the costs for a complete system and let that dictate what you actually by. I mean you don't want to spend every dollar on a 180g tank and not be able to set it up properly with adequate lighting, filtration, LR, coral, fish, Inverts, ect.



Originally posted by Firefish3
email me I've got a site that is cheap

I'm interested too! I need a stand and hood for my 55 gal.
can you send me the site?
efb7 (at) bellsouth (dot) net



Originally posted by Firefish3
email me I've got a site that is cheap

I'd like to get that site also. My email address is
swfwolfhound (at) yahoo (dot) com