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As far as Palin is concerned, don't you think she put herself out there going on SNL? An incredibly leftist program. And she has been grilled several times in interviews about her Daughter, Husband, ex brother-in-law, etc.....
Why do you say Biden looked bad, lied, and played a fool? He answered every question directly, justifying every issue. He was laughing at the reporter because every question she threw out was on issues that were baseless and untrue.
You want to compare a one-on-one interview with an apparent right-wing reporter, to going on a COMEDY SHOW and laughing about them mocking you? What interviews has she had regarding her family? The Reps keep her so bottled up, they're afraid to let her out with the fear of her 'opening mouth and inserting foot'. If she got interviewed by this woman now, she'd be stumping for her cause, and bad mouthing her running mate (kinda like what she's been doing on the campaign trail). Her own people have labeled her as 'Going Rogue'. They tried to shut her up about her little wardrobe controversy so it would fade away, and the idiot opened her YeeHaw mouth at her next campaign rally about that very issue. Then she brings that twit/Survivor-reject Hasselbeck on 'tour' with her to make her look even more like the Caribou Barbie she is. Admit it. Palin has become a detrement to the Republican Party, and will be the scapegoat the Reps will use if they do in fact lose this election. Personally, I think they have every right to do so.