Toxic Carbon


yes i the first batched was rinsed by my LFS and then by me, the second batch rinsed by me, and the chemi-pure was rinsed relly well by me. all of which almost destroyed my tank. i dont know if its the carbon, something in my tank, or god knows any combination of the hundreds of elements that go into reefkeeping


Active Member
Originally Posted by asharp13
yes i the first batched was rinsed by my LFS and then by me, the second batch rinsed by me, and the chemi-pure was rinsed relly well by me. all of which almost destroyed my tank. i dont know if its the carbon, something in my tank, or god knows any combination of the hundreds of elements that go into reefkeeping
I may be way wrong.
I know that you think it was the carbon, but just humor me and assume that the carbon and chemi-pure had nothing to do with the fish looking bad. That when you took the first PH test you made error.


Active Member
“i added a bag of carbon”
“i then added buffer to stabilize”
“duncan close”
“i then added buffer to stabilize”
“i added a bag of chemi-pure with the water change”
“this morning i woke up and all my fishe were present and accounted for with no deaths”


you could be right about my pH test kiy being off. i however am unconvinced. when starting my tank about 7-8mos ago, i had lots of problems getting my pH to stabilize and was constantly testing at home and then bringing it into my LFS who had the same conclsuions as i found. also, i when i get a low reading, add buffer, wait an hour or so for it to circulate, test again, the level comes back up to 8.2. i will double check by having my LFS and myself test it tom.


the weeks breakdown:
-added carbon in morning
- fish slugish, carbon smelling like toxic chemicals (wd-40 and tires), carbon removed.
-Water change
-new bag of carbon added
-same symptoms as day one, carbon removed
-water change
-chemi-pure added
-fish on their sides barely breathing,
-chemi-pure removed
-fish recovered
-water change


here are my concerns as of now:
1st i am done with carbon as of now. it has obviuosly been haveing a negative affect on my tank.
2nd what could be the casue of the carbon smelling like toxic chemicals, seriously it is undescribeable. (like hair spray/wd-40/and a tire factory)
3rd why has carbon worked for me in the past and now it is causing such problems? what could have possibly changed in my tank?


Active Member
Did you say what brand of carbon you were using?
Chemi pure would not have ill effects on your tank. It's a high quality product.
A pH of 7.8 would not hurt/stress your fish unless it was a sudden drop. What is causing your pH to be at that value could indeed hurt them, like high CO2, high organics supressing it etc etc.
Originally Posted by Flower
It is only good for 1 month.
Carbon does not have a time limit, it has a max absorbability limit. Depending on what is in your tank, it will be good for different lengths of time. Less "impurities" = longer life. More "impurities" = less life.


how do i figure out what is going on? i am just really confused becasue i have never seen anyone have this type of trouble with carbon so obviously something is going wrong and it is kinda making me nervous


Active Member
When you change your ph you want to do it slowly if you go from 7.8-8.2 in one hour that is kind of harsh I would do this change in 4 hours or longer. So from 7.8-8.2 that is 4 times more Alkaline