Trading damsels for maroon clown


Like everyone else, I am also waiting patiently for my nitrites to fall. It's at about 2.0 right now. I currently have two yellow tailed damsels, and a domino. I am really tired of the two yellow tailed damsels and thinking about swapping it for a small maroon clown. My question is, are maroon clowns as tough as the damsels? Will the nitrites kill him?


Don't make another fish suffer. Be patient and wait until the nirties are zero, then get that clown. And to answer your question, tank-raised clowns are very hardy but not as much so as the damsels.


i wouldnt get the clowns yet. for one they are not as hardy as damsels and like posted above i wouldnt make another fish suffer. you probably dont have much longer till your nitrites go down, then trade for the clown.