Trading in, need help with decision.

Okay, I decided to trade in my small black volitan lionfish because I have been told he will get much too big for my 37 gallon. My local fish store said they will take him and I will get $1 store credit
. Even though he costs $25 lol. Or they said I can trade him in and get any fish equal to $25 or less, and if more I would pay the difference. So if it was $40 I trade the lion in and pay an extra $15. I need help deciding what to get. Since I am also getting rid of my 7 green chromis soon it will open up my tank a lot more. I currently have
1 pixy hawkfish
1 scooter blenny
1 firefish
1 red general starfish
7 green chromis
So what should I get? I was thinking a wrasse or some kind of dwarf angel? Since they have those in abundance there. Or maybe some other fish that would go in a 37 gallon. My tank is filled to the brim with live rock, so I do need a fish that prefers rock more than swimming space I guess. Also I was thinking, could I get a dwarf lion perhaps? Thanks everyone in advance!


good luck getting the chromis out if u have a ton of rockwork

look at a coral beauty or flame angel there both nice