Trading tanks at LFS?


I was tossing around the idea of trading in my 65 at my LFS for a 125. The question is what kind of value if I did this, do you think I would excpect if I originally bought the 65 there? Full value, half, ????? I'm not sure if I want to do this, just thinking right now.
Thanks, James


New Member
I hate to say this but i buy tanks from local people here in my area when they need money and i pay next to nothing for them. For a 55 compleate i usually give ony 50$ and any odd shaped ones depends on the rareity. i would say they should give you arround 75-100 for the tradein


when you say complete what do you mean? tank/stand/hood??? Just curious because i see tanks around here that sell from $150 to $2500 depending what they have with them.