I posted here when I started my aquarium earlier this year and everything went great. Thanks to all who answered the dozens of questions I asked then. I have a 55 gal Fish only with LiveRock. I had 4 damsels, two turbo snails, 2 crabs, 1 candy anemone and an everything has died
within 24 hours. One of my damsels disappeared over a week ago and after searching the whole tank over and over disappeared is all I have. I recently moved the tank and did a 30% water change and everything looked great for like 48 hours then the Nitrates and Nitites are skyrocketed. The PH was off so I added some ph buffer but it was after the fish died. I am running a fluval 305 filter and I was wondering if anyone thinks that the missing fish is somehow got sucked throught it and is in the media on the inside or in some of my live rock (some of it has caves that the fish can get into and I cant)????
Now that everything is dead should I change the substrate, I originally went with aragonite, live sand mix but have never been happy with it? Should I change the media in the filter and just start over?? I have great blues and purples and greens starting to form on my live rock. I just dont want to dump money in the wrong direction especially with the economy like it is money is becoming more and more important in my household...... Sorry for it being so lond Thanks for reading and offering any advice